Storage Clear-Out! Oldschool Staffs, Shields, Weps + More!
Ravaidan jalir
***closed by seller***
Jade Staff q9 divine, 20/10 (olsq) b/o 10k
ill take it
IGN zippys rebirth
ill take it
IGN zippys rebirth
i dealer i
Plagueborn Focus q10 fast cast, armor +5^ench, hsr illusion magic 20% b/o 20k
Palgueborn Focus q10 divine, armor +10^50, halves casting time healing 20% b/o 30k
50k for me
Palgueborn Focus q10 divine, armor +10^50, halves casting time healing 20% b/o 30k
50k for me
cheape arie
b/o on the legendary sword q11
edit: thanks for the fast trade
b/o on the legendary sword q11

edit: thanks for the fast trade

Ravaidan jalir
Ravaidan jalir
late bump
lowered some prices
lowered some prices
daryn douglass
b/o on serpentine reaver
Ravaidan jalir
Ravaidan jalir