Trying to find a real full tutorial on how to use it on a page.
Current page:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ive looked and read each page, i just dont have much scripting experience and would like to be able to understand the whole operation so i can update my site for posting builds. Thank you
Looking for help with GwBBCode
Really? No one in the supposed "wide" gwguru community has anything to help someone using a completely GUILDWARS phpbb setup for a GUILDWARS forum? Seems the perfect place for a GUILDWARS topic. Bump for anyone who knows anything about webdesign or programming, if not this whole section should be destroyed as it is useless when the only things being posted are questions not answers.
Kumu Honua
If they can't get it to work on THIS site (Or don't want to), what makes you think they can help you get it to work on yours?
This forum is fine. It's just not utilized as many of us don't give a rip as it has nothing to do with guild wars. Some of us peruse every now and then cause we are bored. Not all of us have answers.
Follow namesake.
This forum is fine. It's just not utilized as many of us don't give a rip as it has nothing to do with guild wars. Some of us peruse every now and then cause we are bored. Not all of us have answers.
Follow namesake.