Necrid Horseman x2 - 500g
Siege Turtle - 500g
Whiptail Devourer x2 - 500g
Jungle Troll - 500g
Jade Armor - 500g
Temple Guardian - 500g
Kirin - 1k
Thorn Wolf - 3k
Heket Warrior x2 - 3k
Cloudtouched Simian - 5k
Palawa Joko - 5k
Mursaat - 5k
Necrid Horseman x2 - 1k
Heket Warrior - 5k
Mursaat - 8k
Please contact me in game for sales as I may not see your post on here, though bumps are appreciated, ty
In game name: Lilo of Death
I will be speedbooking so you may need to give me a min to respond
WTS Various Mini Pets