PC on Moldavite Staff and Ancient Moss Staff



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2010



*****Closed by OP, thank you for your help!******


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Assuming they are max base staves (built-in 20% HSR, 11-22 damage, +10 energy and inscription slot) I'd guess ...
r10 ES Moldavite - maybe 20-30k
r10 ES Ancient Moss - maybe 10-20k

Neither is something I see a lot of folks looking to buy, so the final price will be a question of how much time you're willing to spend looking for (or how lucky you are at stumbling into) a really motivated buyer.

Why I'm guessing the above numbers Feel free to skip if you don't care

I'm basing my guess on my experience buying an r10 Soul Reaping Ancient Moss Staff a couple months ago. I met a two sellers with this staff. One agreed on 15k and another quoted 25-30k like a day later when I was thinking about buying the 15k one. Prices vary, that's normal - there was nothing sinister about either offer. So take the 15-30k as a range for a Soul Reaping staff. In ancient moss, I'd think the skin would be more popular for Necros than Eles, so your r10 ES might not get as much.

Moldavites are a different skin - I can see them being popular with more players than the Ancient Moss. But there are probably more Moldavites for sale than Ancient Moss simply because more people run Bogroots looking for frog wands. The larger supply might cancel out the larger demand here.

Cheers & Good luck!

King Bannian

King Bannian

soarer of the stars

Join Date: Oct 2009

Ontario, Canada

agreed with Luny on the ancient moss.

King Vesica XLL