PC on some non trivial item


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005



Suicidal weapon, do the skin matter?

Maybe after hammer buff value could change


again, since insc version exist not sure if it have any value



I guess it should be mercant since the insc version is available :


King Bannian

King Bannian

soarer of the stars

Join Date: Oct 2009

Ontario, Canada

1. ~50k
2. 20k imo
3. 15-20k

King Vesica XLL

As with all items, the price has a possibility of great variation due to demand.
However, I give the price range 15-20k for Q9 because I had a great deal of trouble selling an Q10 Mursaat in the 10-15k range a few weeks ago. I think I ended up selling it for either 8 or 12k.
Anyways, certainly someone somewhere out there would pay 50k for this, as it was once generally worth that. But Mursaat hammer prices have dropped. Perhaps 20-25k would be a better range to aim for? Q9 shouldn't have as much trouble selling as a Q10. Hope this helps.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

I usually agree with King's PCs (when it's something I have any clue about to begin with,) but I have to disagree on his guess for 3 because of what I stumbled across last night.

I had an r12 insc. Mursaat Hammer, and a friend recently told me 10-15k was a fair price if I was looking to sell it. Last night I found a buyer in game asking for a req. 9. I told him I had an r12, and showed it to him in trade.

Before I could quote a price, he offered 20k in the trade window for my req 12. (I thanked him but told him I was going to ask for 15k, so that's what we traded for in the end.)

That's the only experience I have trading insc. Mursaat Hammers, so perhaps my friend's and the buyer's ideas on their value were both way off? Either way, I'd be trying for a lot more than 20k if I now had an r9 to sell.

As for the rest, I'm not at all sure of prices. None of those staves look like merch food to me. Without better and more specific targets, I'd set s/b at like 5k and see what kind of interest there was.

I sold an r13 Channeling 20/10 Plagueborn Staff for 5k a month or so ago to someone looking for a Channeling staff, so I suspect your r9 is worth at least 20k if not more.

Ghostly Staves do come inscribable, yes, but I think the inscription versions are only for primary attributes (or Inspiration for Mesmers.) So neither of yours look like merch food for sure.

Cheers & GL!


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Thanks, any more opinion on this?

I have seen double vamp weapon with higher req and more common skill go for much more then 10-15k

Also, i have some req 9 illusion jeweled staff


perfect 20/20 non insc, do they have any value?




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


1. could go over 50k imo = popular skin, monk req... 60k+

2. Easily over 20k - easily over 50k imo - I have some a few of these with crap skins for 40k - I would say 70k+ range

3. Agree with Luny on the hammer - can get 50k imo - prices drop a lot after it goes over r9 - I have seen some recently sell for 70k

4. 30-40k+

5. you are incorrect about primary only with ghostlies - you can get insc fire req - that one imo 5k max

6. 5k

7 and 8 both mixed - imo 5-10k for either if you can sell

and really don't see the jeweled going for loads - proph skin 20/20s are really not rare at all, can be farmed easily. 10-15k perhaps.....