Random Storage Blowout

Pallaeon Fel

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2010

Oklahoma, USA

United As One Gaming


Below is a list of items that I have available for purchase. Leave your IGN, and I will contact you once a sufficient offer has been reached. For questions, feel free to pm me ingame (Pallaeon Fel). Items will be deleted as they are sold.

S/B = Starting Bid
C/B = Current Bid

GOLDS - mods/inscriptions not listed - most are max

Cleaver (Req9; noninsc 15/-10) S/B 5k
Ancient Axe (Req9; insc) S/B 8k
Shadow Axe (Req9; insc) S/B 10k
Great Axe (Req9; noninsc 15^50) S/B 8k
Hand Axe (Req10; noninsc 15^50) S/B 7k
Runic Axe (Req9; noninsc 14vsHex) S/B 5k

Cerulean Edge (Req10; insc) S/B 10k
Wingblade Sword (Req9; noninsc 15^50) S/B 12k
Desolation Sword (Req9; insc) S/B 12k
Fiery Dragon Sword (Req10; noninsc 15^50) S/B 7k
Long Sword (Req10; noninsc 15^50) S/B 10k
Vabbian Scimitar (Req9; insc) S/B 10k

Spiked Club (Req9; insc) S/B 2k

Skeleton Shield (Req10 Tactics; noninsc; Dam-2/enchanted) S/B 10k

Razorclaw Scythe (Req9;insc) S/B 7k
Nightmare Scythe (Req9; insc) S/B 10k

Crenellated Spear (Req9; insc) S/B 7k

Ancient Daggers (Req9; insc) S/B 4k
Ancient Daggers (Req9; insc) S/B 4k
Platinum Sickles (Req9; insc) S/B 4k
Crescent Blades (Req9; insc) S/B 4k
Korambits (Req9; insc) S/B 4k
Steel Daggers (Req9; insc) S/B 10k

Aureate Longbow (Req9; insc) S/B 5k
Dead Bow (Req9; insc) S/B 3k
Skull Flatbow (Req9; insc) S/B 5k

Deadly Cesta (Req9 Death Magic; insc) S/B 10k
Blazing Wing Wand (Req9 Fire Magic; insc) S/B 5k
Air Wand (Req9 Air Magic; insc) S/B 2k
Amber Wand (Req9 Communing; noninsc; E+5 below 50%) S/B 5k

Amber Staff (Req9 Channeling Magic; noninsc; HCT10%) S/B 10k
Amber Staff (Req9 Channeling Magic; noninsc; Reduces Dazed 20%) S/B 5k
Clairvoyant Staff (Req9 Domination Magic; insc) S/B 8k
Jeweled Staff (Req9 Illusion Magic; noninsc; Reduces Crippled 20%) S/B 2k
Holy Branch (Req9 Divine Favor; noninsc; Reduces Poison 20%) S/B 5k

Chimeric Eye (Req9 Illusion Magic; insc) S/B 5k

Wing's Axe S/B 3k
Razorfin's Axe S/B 5k
Murakai's Blade S/B 4k
Eldritch Sword S/B 10k
Arrahhsh's Aegis S/B 15k
Droknar's Tactics Shield S/B 5k
Pehnsed's Voice S/B 10k
The Bloodspear S/B 5k
The Bloddspear S/B 5k
Shreader's Talons S/B 2k
Stygian Daggers S/B 4k
Stygian Daggers S/B 4k
Eshwe's Wand S/B 5k
Wayward Wand S/B 5k
Divine Shadow Staff S/B 15k
Kayin's Focus S/B 5k
Incetol's Focus S/B 15k
Primeval Armor Remnants S/B 15k


DEDICATED - no bids, just buys
Fire Imp 1k
Forest Minotaur 1k
Temple Guardian 1k
Fungal Wallow 1k
Hydra 1k
Necrid Horseman 1k
Juggernaut 1k
Harpy Ranger 1k
Irukandji 1k
Cave Spider 1k
Heket Warrior 1k
Wind Rider 1k
Palawa Joko 1k
Koss 3k

Fire Imp 3k
Forest Minotaur 3k


ELITE TOMES - no bids, just buys
Warrior(5) 5k
Assassin(1) 5k
Mesmer(3) 5k
Dervish(1) 5k

Luke D

Luke D

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2007


Necromancer(2) 5k
Monk(3) 5k
Elementalist(7) 5k

I'll take these please. IGN Lorelei Sigent

EDIT: Thanks for a very quick and friendly trade.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2007


Ritualist(2) 5k

IGN: Exalted Keyes


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2008

Titan Gemstone(1) 6k
Margonite Gemstone(7) 3k
Stygian Gemstone(21) 4k
Torment Gemstone(13) 2k

IGN - **************

Pallaeon Fel

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2010

Oklahoma, USA

United As One Gaming


Bumpity bump bump.

Magic Wut Huh Asdf

Magic Wut Huh Asdf

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2006

Our Peaceful Aria [Live]


cerulean edge 10k
ign: Mai Aequitas

Pallaeon Fel

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2010

Oklahoma, USA

United As One Gaming

