LF Help with Alliance Event


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2008




So we have an alliance event, some sort of Scavanger Hunt.
In about 3 hours from the time I posted this, we need to show some "items" from a list to the one organizing this, to score points.

What I am missing from the list, and seem unable to get it:
- Someone with r10 Commander title (Supreme Commander)
- Someone with Canthan Vanquisher and R4 Cantha Explorer on same character. (r4 means 90 to 95%, not maxed)
- Dhuum’s Soul Reaper

If you have any of these, and could help a buddy out (should take you two minutes to come to my GH and display the titles or show the scythe) give me a shout ingame please (IGN BOO SNOW). You don't need to trade the scythe or drop it or something else, not trying to pull anything here. Just show it in trade chat or wear it in explorable area.

Prizes are mostly symbolic, so I can't afford to pay you for doing this, only do it if you don't mind taking 2 minutes off your time for me and my allies. It will be greately appreciated.

Thank you very much for reading this.

EDIT: This is over, mods please close /delete.