Few Items I have no clue about


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2009

Victory Is Life Eternal [VILE]

I'm really bad at pricing and I was told this items may be worth sth. I'd thank any helping hand. All of them are insc.

--> Gloom Shiled r9tactics Health+59 hexed, AL+10Earth "like a rolling stone"

--> Magmas Shield r11strenght Health+30hexed "pure of heart"

--> Demonic Aegis r9command Health+59hexed "Nothing to Fear"

--> Great Conch r11tactics health+30 AL+10Fire "Sleep now in the Fire"

--> Sharktooth Shield Armor 14 r6tactics

--> Shield of the Lion Armor15 r8strenght Health+28

The last too are not even perfect armor, but I was told it might be wanted by some PVP players. I rather think it's almost better to merch them though

Thanks in advance

EDIT: Thanks so much for the guides.

King Bannian

King Bannian

soarer of the stars

Join Date: Oct 2009

Ontario, Canada

gloom ~10k
magmas ~40k
demonic 15-20k
conch - salvage off the mods and sell them (10vsFire gets ~6k +30 gets 5k). merch the clean skin
sharktooth ~100k imo..
shield of the lion- merch. PvP players only use low req tactics shields.

King Vesica XLL