Onyx Gemstones @ 500g
Diamonds @ 500g
Ecto @ 6k
Zkey @ 5k
IGN Main: Izari Aljen
IGN Alt Acct: Hinamori Momo
Times: M-F, 7-11pm EST
Weekends: 12-4pm EST (and other sporatic times)
Please leave your bid, IGN, and the total of your purchases (indicate if you're going to use a currency other than gold.) Items will be removed from list once the exchange has been made.
I will -not- be selling in game, this thread is exclusively for GWG for the time being.
Thanks, happy hunting!

Auri's Wand...500g
Elswyth's Recurve Bow...1k
Bazzr's Wail...1k
Lian's Lantern...1k
The Pain Eater...500g
[coming soon]

2 x Insightful Staff Head (+5 Eng)...1k
1 x Defensive Staff Head (+5 Arm)...1k
1 x Hale Staff Head (+27hp)...500g
1 x Staff Wrapping of Enchanting(15%)...500g
2 x Sundering Bow String (20/20)...2k
1 x Sundering Bow String (20/19)...1k
1 x Vampiric Bow String...1k
1 x Poisonous Bow String...1k
1 x Crippling Bow String...500g
1 x Bow Grip of Fortitude (+30)...1k
1 x Bow Grip of Fortitude (+29)...500g
1 x Bow Grip of Enchanting (19%)...500g
2 x Sundering Hammer Haft (20/19)...500g
1 x Hammer Grip of Defense (Arm +5)...1k
1 x Hammer Grip of Enchanting(15%)...500g
1 x Sword Pommel of Enchanting (20%)...2k
1 x Sword Pommel of Enchanting (19%)...1k
1 x Sword Pommel of Defense (Arm +5)...1k
1 x Sword Pommel of Warding (Arm +7 vs Ele)...500g
2 x Poisonous Sword Hilt...500g
2 x Shocking Sword Hilt...500g
1 x Vampiric Sword Hilt...1k
1 x Crippling Sword Hilt...500g
1 x Firey Dagger Tang...1k
"Guided by Fate" (+15% enchanted)...2k
"Guided by Fate" (+14% enchanted)...500g
"Hale and Hearty" (Eng+5^50%)...2k
"Survival of the Fittest (Arm +5 vs phys)
"Strength and Honor" (+15%^50%)...1k
"Strength and Honor" (+13% ^50%)...500g
"Seize the Day" (Eng +12/-1)...1k
"Measure by Measure"(High Salvage)...500g
"I have the power!" (Eng+5)...1k

(Sold at ~15% off merchant price, though i round down to the nearest even price. Listed prices are as of this posting, subject to change)
885 x Glittering Dust
--3k/stack, 10600/all
545 x Tanned Hide
--2k/stack, 4500/all
1402 x Bones
--2k/stack, 11000/all
332 x Chitin Fragments
--2k/stack, 2500/all
2 x Rubies
--3500/each, 7000 both
1 x Sapphire
38 x Jade
--350/each, 13300/all
3 x Monstrous Claw
--1500/each, 4500/all
3 x Monstrous Fangs
--1000/each, 3000/all
21 x Elonian Leather Squares
--250/each, 5200/all
(inqire about other crafting mats)

Drunkard, 25k/package
53 x Eggnog
8 x Dwarven Ale
36 x Hard Apple Cider
150/each, 14550/all
6 x Flasks of Firewater
3 x Aged Dwarven Ale
31 x Spiked Eggnog
250/each, 10000/all
Sweets, 6500k Package Sold
1 x Rainbow CC
2 x Golden Eggs
35 x Fruitcakes
--150/each, 5700/all

15 x Destroyer Core
--300/each, 4500/all
26 x Superb Charr Carving
--200/each, 5200/all

8 x Ranger
5 x Mesmer
2 x Assasin
1 x Elite Ranger

1st Year
1 x Whiptail Devourer ... free, first come
2nd Year
1 x Fire Imp ... 3k
1 x Heket Warrior ... 3k
1 x Thorn Wolf ... 3k
1 x Koss ... 5k
3rd Year
2 x Cloudtouched Simian ... 5k
1 x Forest Minotaur ... 5k
4th year
1 x Nornbear ... 15k
1 x Koss
1 x Siege Turtle
1 x Whiptail Devourer