slater's stuff lol mini's afew golds and loads of dye

evil slater

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2010


pm me in game (evil slater) to talk about any1 of them i want to sell all the dyes together to a collector if possiable i worked in out the just selling them all to the dye trader would net me 178k so hope some1 has abit more lol

EDITED by LicensedLuny: Closed! Because you have images to show the items in your post, we can not remove the incorrect ones. Feel free to relist 24 hours later after you have separated out the items that do not belong. Remember, High-end is only for items/packages that are 100k+. Sell is for items/packages less than 100k. The buy section is only for buying items/packages. You can ask fellow members about prices in our Price Check forum.