Starting Bids should be at a reasonable price.
Items will be sold when the price is reasonable and at my standard.
All items are max and the perfect mods are stated if any.
Happy Bidding

Kersh's Staff c/o 5k Mordiego
WarHammer(q9 ascalon skin): Inscribable c/o 5k Angelus Mortifer
Singing Blade(q9): -1,+1zealous Insc c/o 3.5k Babe
Shadow Shield(q10 Mot): +10vCold, +43/Ench c/o 1k Babe
Zealous Axe Haft c/o
Ebon Sword Hilt c/o
Sword Pommel of Fortitude c/o 3k Fatally Flaw
+10 v Lightning x2 c/o 1k Babe
+10 v Fire x2 c/o 1.2k Babe
+10 v Cold c/o 750 Babe
+10 v Earth c/o 750 Babe
+10 v Slash c/o 750 Babe
+10 v Blunt c/o
+15,-1 c/o 2k undead91
I will update and check every so often
My IGN: Maiden Of Sorrows
Only message me if it concerns the auction.
***I Reserve All Rights, To sell to keep in game***