Gold-q10 blood celestrial compass- +59 health when hexed and hsr Insc
-q12 fast casting celestrial compass - Half casting time and 10+armor
-Guardian Of the hunt sheild q13 str Insc
-q11 golden talons of enchantment silencing mod atm Insc
-Insc Razorclaw scythe q11 Insc
-Aureate chalice q11
-q10 Eternal bow Ins
Tomes: 700g each
8x mes tome
8x ele tome
9x warrior
1x ranger
5x necro
-q11 Equine aegis insc
Green Murakais blade
Victos Maul
Deldrimore fire staff
Storage Clearence~!
We Dont Accept
I take this Eternal Bow q10.
IGN: Nico Arthae
IGN: Nico Arthae