Costume Dye Idea
I have an idea for the costumes that you purchase on-line with real money. Can you please change them to have a dye selector window like the PvP equipment window where you don't have to buy dye for them. This is my issue: I didn't buy one of the costumes, but those items that people are buying with real money are affecting the in game currency due to the fact that the people who bought them have to buy in-game dye for the costumes. I don't agree with micro-transactions affecting the in-game economy. Thanks for your time.
Lord Dagon
yeh the designiners(for the most part) dont read these threads.. + they are currently working on 2 major updates. I agree with waht you are saying but try and find(somewhere) on the NCSoft site the designers emails. If you can find it and email them tell them about this issue.. they might clear it up.
but in essence /sign this
but in essence /sign this
Does that mean that character slots bought with microtransactions shouldn't get item drops because it affects the game economy?

X Ghoul
Didn't know dyes were srs bsns
You want to buy dye, but because a lot of people are buying dye the price has gone up? Sorry, but I don't care where the items came from people are dying, it is an in game item, it should be handled just like everything else. Give it a month and any dye pricing problems will have gone away. I rememeber the very first dyable mask given out at an event. Dye was SOLD OUT at the merchant. Yet if people waited a week, the prices were back to normal.
You want to buy dye, but because a lot of people are buying dye the price has gone up? Sorry, but I don't care where the items came from people are dying, it is an in game item, it should be handled just like everything else. Give it a month and any dye pricing problems will have gone away. I rememeber the very first dyable mask given out at an event. Dye was SOLD OUT at the merchant. Yet if people waited a week, the prices were back to normal.
Zahr Dalsk
Oh god, people bought costumes and are now buying dye.
Zahr Dalsk
Behold, a vial of dye, purchased for use on a costume. Notice the ferocious teeth, with which it rips apart the economy.
ArenaNet, you must put a stop to this, before it's too late.
ArenaNet, you must put a stop to this, before it's too late.
still a little overstated, but you're getting warm, and the vial monster did make me lol.
The fact that Dwayna's Regalia is dyed white by default isn't enough? That's ~5k dye-job for free to you every time you create a costume. ~10k if you make costume + headpiece.
Also you need 10g for each hat at Festival hat keeper. Costume maker makes costumes for free.
/not signed
Also you need 10g for each hat at Festival hat keeper. Costume maker makes costumes for free.
/not signed
Seems like you're mad that black dye went up. Dye is some srs bsns alright. :|
Shayne Hawke
I really do not see this as a problem. Coughing up money for dye is no big deal, and if it's too much for you, you can just not buy dye.
I need QuadFacepalm pic for this :|
dyes r srs buisnes
dyes r srs buisnes
Save some dyes. Always keep 1 dye storage of each color.
Course I guess I could try to fit in/sound intelligent/sound cool and simply say "dyes r srs bsnss." I definitely feel better by using such a creative catch phrase
Course I guess I could try to fit in/sound intelligent/sound cool and simply say "dyes r srs bsnss." I definitely feel better by using such a creative catch phrase

i agree, except for the part that those masks were in-game items. i don't care if in game items affect the economy. i just care if micro-transactions affect it. Apples and oranges.
Dude, seriously.... get over it, it won't last long anyway. As I stated before, this happened with masks. The shortage of dye and the prices was only about a week long.
I support this, simple because people are dying to get this kind of quality.
.......No, I don't have anything better to do.
.......No, I don't have anything better to do.

Dye = money taken out of the economy (Provided the dye is used.)
This = less money in circulation.
Furthermore, this = a good thing.
This = less money in circulation.
Furthermore, this = a good thing.
/not signed
ALL money sinks are good because inflation is skyrocketing these days.
ALL money sinks are good because inflation is skyrocketing these days.