Sin farming and money problems
I have some money problems. And with my sin (who is my only lvl 20) I can't get the farming right. For me perma farming is hard (cus I always mess it up) and haven't capped moebius strike (cus I hate that quest before the mission and I have money problem) and I never have the patience to begin from scartch again. I realise that its the easiest way but I dont know which class or campaign. I've got em all. Plz give me some tips.
Honestly, get moebius using an elite sin tome, you can pick one up for ~1.5k these days, which can easily be done by simply playing the game. do some quests/missions if you can't get the farm right. also, there are countless tutorial videos on youtube on running a perma, they should make it very easy to understand.
prey monkie
wuuut. how can u have money problems in GW at this time of the game. u basicly dont need money for GW only if ur bored and start buying stupid things. first of all get some chars through factions + nf + eotn. start pugging sc's soosc. fowsc etc. make ur first 100k. waste it on black dyes. start doing zaishen elite. 6k balth = 1.2 zkey a day. do more FoWsc. make ur first 100 shards. sell them all. start powertrading elite tomes in spamadan. make ur first 1000k. and so on so on so on
Trader of Secrets
Perma farming is one of the easiest, there are so many SC builds, dungeons, speedbooks, ecto farming, and some req little learning, (uwsc prolly one of the trickiest to learn since most PUG dont advocate learning). Although very bad timing to start asking about perma farming info now, cuz in a month or so it will probably die.
Izzy the Slayer
PvP is helpful with starting to make money. 5K Balthazar faction is easy if you do Jade Quarry and Fort Aspenwood. You could also make a trapper/nuker for Zaishen Elite and make 6K easily, which as Prey said, is 1 z-key. You could easily make 15K or more a day doing PvP. Or there is also farming. Choose a random spot, let's say Pongmei Valley, take a healer hench, maybe a fighter if you need and go out and kill things. Pick up drops and sell. Doing this for an hour every day could make you any where from 1 - 5K, add that with you PvP Money and you are making close to 20K a day.
If you need help with anything, let me know.
IGN: Izzy Pillamyd
edit; if you need help with perma let me know, not the best but i can teach you how to keep it up and the basics of it
If you need help with anything, let me know.
IGN: Izzy Pillamyd
edit; if you need help with perma let me know, not the best but i can teach you how to keep it up and the basics of it