PC on r8 oldschool hooked daggers


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2010

Whats Prot Spirit [FoR]


Hey everyone.

I have a pair of daggers that I recently found in my inventory during a clean-up. I got them dropped back in 2006-7, I believe. I've had several people assure me that it's worth quite a bit, but since I have little experience in player trading, I was hoping someone could tell me what price I should ask for for this item. Here are the stats:

Req 8 Zealous Hooked Daggers of Fortitude
Dmg 7-17 req 8
Energy +5 (inherent)
Health +30
Old school non-inscribable

It's also an (at least) fairly rare skin, from what I've read.

Oh, and I posted it on guru auctions with no B/O (but a reserve, just in case), and it's reached 100k so far, and there's like a month left, but someone messaged me that they were interested in obtaining a buy-out for it. I have no clue what price to ask.

Thanks so much in advance for your help guys. <3

Total Lockdown

Total Lockdown

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006


Freelance Soldiers [Solo]


IMO I'd say 30e or more, but I could be over pricing



WTB q8 15^50 Weapons!

Join Date: Nov 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

I paid personally ~25e for 15^50's lately. from what ive seen 15^50 is more wanted then +5e so id guess that 20-25e for these also


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2010

Whats Prot Spirit [FoR]


Originally Posted by Pleikki View Post
I paid personally ~25e for 15^50's lately. from what ive seen 15^50 is more wanted then +5e so id guess that 20-25e for these also
Normally that's true, and 15^50 is usually more desirable, but iirc 15^50 is least useful on daggers because of their low damage range (7-17), and the 15% is only of the raw dagger damage. 15^50 is good on weapons with a higher base damage, like hammers and bows etc, but a +percentage on daggers isn't considered as good. Of course, people who have it stuck in their heads that "20/20% 15^50 +30" is "perfect" no matter what (which is quite a lot of people) would prize 15^50 higher.

If that's correct, would that change the price at all? I'm just wondering.

Thanks for your response.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2010

Whats Prot Spirit [FoR]


Bump bump bump.

Anyone have any idea? I will give fresh homemade cookies to anyone who answers.

animal fighter

animal fighter

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2009

buying shields w/ armor vs animals

Animal Fightas Inc [?????????]

agree with 20-30e
15^50 is more popular than +5energy
theory crafting won't change the price



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2009




Go with 20-30e here. For daggers though, inherent +5en Is still an ok mod (Perma's)




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


Personally agree with your thoughts - I prefer the +5 as much more damage is done with the string of attacks - but using zealous and good e-management works too ;P

But yeah most just think 15>50 20/20 30hp is "perfect" and that is what sells best.

I would not sell below 30e personally - I would hold out for at least that much - these are not common.