Beta's Storage Clearout - Cheap prices
Beta Sprite
UPDATE: I will accept Lockpicks as being worth 1.2k. If you would like something that doesn't match up with the number of lockpicks that you have, I will pay you the difference. E.g: Your 2 Lockpicks = My Axe Grip of Fortitude + 400g
UPDATE2: I've lowered the starting bids for the dedicated higher-end minis.
Well, my storage is full, I need to clear it out, and my Treasure Hunter seeking needs some gold to fuel it.
Everything but the higher-end minis are b/o. Bidding for those minis will end exactly 1 week from the posting of this thread.
PM me or leave a reply if you would like to claim an item. For security reasons, I will only disclose my IGN through PM. Feel free to request it from me.
Please note that I am not selling any undedicated minis!
Zealous Grinning Dragon Axe of Dragonslaying(19%) (req 9. 14^Eng -5, non-inscrib) - b/o 3k
Sundering Axe Haft (20/20) - b/o 2k
Zealous Axe Haft - b/o 1.5k
Axe Grip of Fortitude (+30) - Sold in-game.
Axe Grip of Defense (+5AL) - b/o 500g
Ironwing Longbow - b/o 4k
Thornbeard's Hornbow - b/o 1k
Urgoz's Shortbow - b/o 2k
Vampiric Bowstring (5/-1) - b/o 1k
Zealous Bowstring - b/o 1k
Bow Grip of Defense (+5AL) - b/o 500g
Thunderfist's Brass Knuckles - b/o 1k
Urkal's Kamas - b/o 2k
Ancient Scythe (Gold Req 11 inscrib) - b/o 1k
Scythe Grip of Defense - b/o 500g
Shield Handle of Fortitude (+30) - Sold to Jen Delgado
Victo's Blade - b/o 2k
Fiery Sword Hilt - b/o 500g
Fiery Sword Hilt - b/o 500g
Sword Pommel of Enchanting (20%) - Sold to Daggers Sin
Sword Pommel of Fortitude (+30) - Sold to Daggers Sin
Alem's Remedy - Sold to Jenrick Invictus
Celestial Staff Q10 Channeling / HCT 20 Spawning Power - Sold to Shirl Fraeron
Rago's Flame Staff - Sold to Jenrick Invictus
Stoneweaver - b/o 1k
Defensive Staff Head - b/o 500g
Defensive Staff Head - b/o 500g
Fendi's Rod - b/o 1k
Zarnas' Wrath - Sold in-game (IGN not disclosed)
Illyana's Mirror - Sold to Valhallan Guardian
Kkraz's Indulgence - b/o 1k
Mallyx's Divinity - b/o 5k
Plaguebinder - Sold to Ashes of War
Strength and Honor (15^50) - b/o 1k
Strength and Honor (15^50) - b/o 1k
Strength and Honor (15^50) - b/o 1k
Strength and Honor (15^50) - b/o 1k
Dance with Death (15^stance) - b/o 500g
Guided by Fate (15^enchant) - b/o 500g
Guided by Fate (15^enchant) - b/o 500g
Seize the Day (eng +15/-1) - b/o 500g
Too Much Information (+15% vs hexed) - b/o 500g
Hale and Hearty (eng +5^50) - b/o 500g
Amulet of the Mists - Sold to The Famous Flamingo
Elite Warrior Tome - b/o 5k
Dedicated Minis
Bladed Aatxe - b/o 1.5k
Charr Shaman - b/o 1k
Cloudtouched Simian - b/o 2k
Forest Minotaur - b/o 2k
Freezie - b/o 5k
Harpy Ranger - b/o 1.5k
Heket Warrior - b/o 1.5k
Irukandji - b/o 2k
Juggernaut - b/o 1.5k
Mursaat - b/o 2k
Palawa Joko - b/o 2.5k
Raptor - b/o 2k - Reserved for Guardian Exin
Roaring Ether - b/o 2k
Shiro - b/o 3k
Ceratadon - Reserved for Angel Of Truths - c/b 20k
UPDATE2: I've lowered the starting bids for the dedicated higher-end minis.
Well, my storage is full, I need to clear it out, and my Treasure Hunter seeking needs some gold to fuel it.
Everything but the higher-end minis are b/o. Bidding for those minis will end exactly 1 week from the posting of this thread.
PM me or leave a reply if you would like to claim an item. For security reasons, I will only disclose my IGN through PM. Feel free to request it from me.
Please note that I am not selling any undedicated minis!
Zealous Grinning Dragon Axe of Dragonslaying(19%) (req 9. 14^Eng -5, non-inscrib) - b/o 3k
Sundering Axe Haft (20/20) - b/o 2k
Zealous Axe Haft - b/o 1.5k
Axe Grip of Fortitude (+30) - Sold in-game.
Axe Grip of Defense (+5AL) - b/o 500g
Ironwing Longbow - b/o 4k
Thornbeard's Hornbow - b/o 1k
Urgoz's Shortbow - b/o 2k
Vampiric Bowstring (5/-1) - b/o 1k
Zealous Bowstring - b/o 1k
Bow Grip of Defense (+5AL) - b/o 500g
Thunderfist's Brass Knuckles - b/o 1k
Urkal's Kamas - b/o 2k
Ancient Scythe (Gold Req 11 inscrib) - b/o 1k
Scythe Grip of Defense - b/o 500g
Shield Handle of Fortitude (+30) - Sold to Jen Delgado
Victo's Blade - b/o 2k
Fiery Sword Hilt - b/o 500g
Fiery Sword Hilt - b/o 500g
Sword Pommel of Enchanting (20%) - Sold to Daggers Sin
Sword Pommel of Fortitude (+30) - Sold to Daggers Sin
Alem's Remedy - Sold to Jenrick Invictus
Celestial Staff Q10 Channeling / HCT 20 Spawning Power - Sold to Shirl Fraeron
Rago's Flame Staff - Sold to Jenrick Invictus
Stoneweaver - b/o 1k
Defensive Staff Head - b/o 500g
Defensive Staff Head - b/o 500g
Fendi's Rod - b/o 1k
Zarnas' Wrath - Sold in-game (IGN not disclosed)
Illyana's Mirror - Sold to Valhallan Guardian
Kkraz's Indulgence - b/o 1k
Mallyx's Divinity - b/o 5k
Plaguebinder - Sold to Ashes of War
Strength and Honor (15^50) - b/o 1k
Strength and Honor (15^50) - b/o 1k
Strength and Honor (15^50) - b/o 1k
Strength and Honor (15^50) - b/o 1k
Dance with Death (15^stance) - b/o 500g
Guided by Fate (15^enchant) - b/o 500g
Guided by Fate (15^enchant) - b/o 500g
Seize the Day (eng +15/-1) - b/o 500g
Too Much Information (+15% vs hexed) - b/o 500g
Hale and Hearty (eng +5^50) - b/o 500g
Amulet of the Mists - Sold to The Famous Flamingo
Elite Warrior Tome - b/o 5k
Dedicated Minis
Bladed Aatxe - b/o 1.5k
Charr Shaman - b/o 1k
Cloudtouched Simian - b/o 2k
Forest Minotaur - b/o 2k
Freezie - b/o 5k
Harpy Ranger - b/o 1.5k
Heket Warrior - b/o 1.5k
Irukandji - b/o 2k
Juggernaut - b/o 1.5k
Mursaat - b/o 2k
Palawa Joko - b/o 2.5k
Raptor - b/o 2k - Reserved for Guardian Exin
Roaring Ether - b/o 2k
Shiro - b/o 3k
Ceratadon - Reserved for Angel Of Truths - c/b 20k
Sword Pommel of Enchanting (20%) - b/o 4k
Sword Pommel of Fortitude (+30) - b/o 4k
ign. Daggers Sin
Sword Pommel of Fortitude (+30) - b/o 4k
ign. Daggers Sin
Alem's Remedy - b/o 1k
Rago's Flame Staff - s/b 15k
IGN : Jenrick Invictus
Rago's Flame Staff - s/b 15k
IGN : Jenrick Invictus
Big Tuna
Illyana's Mirror - b/o 1.5k
IGN: Valhallan Guardian
IGN: Valhallan Guardian
New Buddha
Plaguebinder - b/o 1.5k
ign:Ashes of War
ign:Ashes of War
Beta Sprite
A bump and a written update:
Trade with jenrick was quick and pleasant (positive review). jenrick still has the highest bid on Rago's Flame Staff at 15k.
I have not yet seen SincerelyMe or Big Tuna online, but I have been busy the past two nights. I should be on more for the next few days.
Trade with New Buddha was quick and pleasant (positive review).
Zarnas' Wrath was sold in-game.
Added clause about trading Lockpicks.
Lowered starting bid prices on higher-end dedicated minis.
Trade with jenrick was quick and pleasant (positive review). jenrick still has the highest bid on Rago's Flame Staff at 15k.
I have not yet seen SincerelyMe or Big Tuna online, but I have been busy the past two nights. I should be on more for the next few days.
Trade with New Buddha was quick and pleasant (positive review).
Zarnas' Wrath was sold in-game.
Added clause about trading Lockpicks.
Lowered starting bid prices on higher-end dedicated minis.
Beta Sprite
Another day, another bump.
Added some more items I recently obtained and split duplicates into multiple lines.
Added some more items I recently obtained and split duplicates into multiple lines.
Beta Sprite
Added a Celestial Staff and a Grinning Dragon Axe.
Beta Sprite
Here I go, bumping again.
I will buy Mini Ceratadon for 20k.
IGN: Angel Of Truths
IGN: Angel Of Truths
Amulet of the Mists - b/o 5k
I'll take this please.
The Famous Flamingo
Amulet of the Mists - b/o 5k
I'll take this please.
The Famous Flamingo
Beta Sprite
kieum90 and Flamingo: According to my clock, you guys posted at 10:44 pm and 1:24 am. What time was that for you locally, and when do you usually play?
kieum90 and Flamingo: According to my clock, you guys posted at 10:44 pm and 1:24 am. What time was that for you locally, and when do you usually play?
Beta Sprite
Bumping again.
Auctions are done. Rago's sold to Jenrick. kieum has the reserve on the Ceratadon.
Auctions are done. Rago's sold to Jenrick. kieum has the reserve on the Ceratadon.
B/O Raptor 2k
IGN:Guardian exin
IGN:Guardian exin
thanks for the trade

Celestial Staff Q10 Channeling / HCT 20 Spawning Power - b/o 15k
IGN: Shirl Fraeron
IGN: Shirl Fraeron