WTS few greens & elite tomes


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2010

Unstoppable Legendary Heroes


My first thread tryin to sell stuff so its abit small

IGN Grenths Harbringer

Greens up for offers, tomes B/O only.

Greens :
The Stonereaper (x2) - Curses q9, E+10 halves casting time of curses (20%)
Halves skill recharge (20%)
Curses +1 (20%)

Stoneweaver - Q9 Divine favor (fire damage) E+10, halves casting time of Protection prayer spells (20%)
Halves skill recharge (20%)
Armor + 5

Zarna's Wrath (x2) - Q9 Earth Magic (wand), Halves skill recharge of earth magic spells (20%) E+5^50

Elite Tomes :

Elite Monk Tome - 8k ( Reserved for Evil Slater when he's online )
Elite Ele Tome - SOLD

First to PM me in game or i'll check this thread again when im back from Uni
Will be on most of the day probably.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2006

limbo land



b/o on elite ele tome
ign: fulla kick

evil slater

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2010


b/o elite mink tome 8k

ign evil slater