can anyone tell me this item price please? =>
i know its only 1mod, but havnt seen any req8 plagueborn shields
edit: would also like to know how much a req7 fellblade blue, only 20/20 +30 worth, i couldnt find any, dunno if much req7 fellblades exist even tho its blue
req8 plagueborn shield
Theres fairly many r8 and r7 plagueborn shields around, i sold even sometime ago r8 30/-3 Plagueborn. but yeah there is few collectors who collect r8 shields with single mod 30hp. some of those could pay around 100k for this.
thx, any more ideas?
ideas please =>
Agreed with Pleikki, but it will be very hard to find a collector who will pay 100k so if you want to get rid of it fast I guess you should ask 20-40k for it
Would not sell below 100k, might get a bit more imo