Hey guys,
I need some help with my Eagle Defender here, please give me a pc.
Eagle Defender q.8 motivation, armor 16, gold and inscriptable
right now it is modded with "Swift as the Wind" and +30hp
Thanks for your help!
PC Eagle Defender q.8 motivation armor 16 gold inscriptable
animal fighter
i sold a req8 command eagle defender some time ago for 30k
maybe a little less than that since motivation shields arent as needed as command
maybe a little less than that since motivation shields arent as needed as command
Few months ago i sold the exact same one for around 40k. Took a good 2-3 hours of spamming though, So I would try for 30-35k imo
Very common and not too popular - 30-35k sounds reasonable.
thanks for your help, guess I'll give it a try on guru...