Massive Price Check Needed

Goddess Of Defense

Goddess Of Defense

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2009

United States

One Thirty Three Seven [????????????]


I need these price checked.

#1 Q13 Air 20/19 Outcast Staff

#2 Q9 Blood 20/10 Outcast Staff

#3 Q10 Communing 20/10 Outcast Staff

#4 Q9 Illusion 20/10 Outcast Staff

#5 Q12 Tactics -5/20 +43 ench Aegis uninsc.

#6 Q10 Illusion 20/20curses Cockatrice Staff

#7 Q11 Divine 20/20healing Holy Staff

#8 Q9 Curses 20/10 Jade Staff

#9 Q9 Blood 20/10 Plagueborn Staff

#10 Q9 +5energy +20%vs Tengu Scimitar uninsc.

#11 Q9 Divine Suntouched Staff insc.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________

N1 Q11 Illusion 10/10 Amber Staff *OLDSCHOOL*

N2 Q7 Fiery Dragon Sword *BLUE*

N3 Q10 Tactics Aegis +30hp/+10vsPiercing *Uninsc.*

N4 Q8 Jade Sword +14/stance *uninsc.*

N5 Q9 Strength Eternal Shield +43stance/-2stance *uninsc.*

Thanks in advance,

Goddess Of Defense (incase people see this and would like to private message offers in-game.)



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Black Widows of Death


#1 5-10 k
#2 Can't see picture but if like the others for stats 10-15k
#3 5-10 k
#4 15-20 k




Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2009

Kamadan AD1


I would merch #1
2 = 40-60k (Might be hard to sell)
3 = 5k? Not so much interest on communing staves imo
7 = salvage enchanting mod off, staff around 5-10k imo
10 = 5-10k

Wait for some more opinions.

Luke D

Luke D

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2007


#10. Recently bought a req 10 version (also 20% hct prot) for 5k
#12. Recently bought a req 10 version (also 20% hct smite) for 8k

Goddess Of Defense

Goddess Of Defense

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2009

United States

One Thirty Three Seven [????????????]


BUMP... still looking for more pricechecks.




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


1. 40-50k+

2. 50-60k+

3. 20-30k

4. 40-50k+

5. I would merch it

6. bad mix - 10-15k maybe

7. salvage the enchant - maybe 5k after - not rare at all

8. 10k

9. 30-40k+

10. salvage the tengu mod - can get 10k for that alone or more - sword clean 5k

11. 15-20k

Goddess Of Defense

Goddess Of Defense

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2009

United States

One Thirty Three Seven [????????????]


BUMPED, added new items looking for a pc on the newer items, but if you feel some price checks on the older are wrong then you can update them.

Goddess Of Defense

Goddess Of Defense

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2009

United States

One Thirty Three Seven [????????????]


BUMPED: still looking for price check on newer items.

Goddess Of Defense

Goddess Of Defense

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2009

United States

One Thirty Three Seven [????????????]


BUMPED still looking...