late night american hours guild gvg



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006


*Updating this entire thing again*

Team Relaaaaaax A is recruiting players and guilds. We're Kurz and play at late american hours (sometimes very late)

So far we've managed to GvG with 1 or 2 members and 6 guests since guild creation. We're always missing guests so need to fill up the roster to play with the same people regularly.

If you plan to guest it's just easier if you're in the alliance/guild so I can keep using the same players.

All I request that you at least know the very basics of your role. I've seen mistakes that I didn't think were possible to make in GvG.

Runner - watch the lord (instead of waiting til he's down 80% health to decide to go back even after being told)
Ranger - you have cripshot to snare the person who's holding the flag. You also have apply posion for a reason. use it.

We also HA sometimes on quest days and our ranks are anywhere from 9-12 and we expect the same performance. Send me a pm or post here so we can get GvG more as I always need good guests.