All are not inscribable and max.
1. Shadow Shield, r9 str
hp+59 while hexed
-2 in stance
2. Plagueborn Sword, r9
+15% while enchanted
3. 20/10 Ghostly staff, r10 earth
4. 20/ 19(air) Forbidden staff, r10 air
Also, Ded. Grey Giant and Ded. Asura
Thank you in advance.
PC on 4 unscr. please
The Swift Dragon
1. Merch shield
2. 5-10k
Ded Asura -5-10k
2. 5-10k
Ded Asura -5-10k
1. merch
2. 5-10k
3. 10k
4. 20-30k
giant 10-15k asura 10k
2. 5-10k
3. 10k
4. 20-30k
giant 10-15k asura 10k
Xunlai Guru Agent