Better notification for adrenaline.
Dabineh Deathbringer
Well, as a warrior, I'd like to know my adrenaline if all my skills are full of adrenaline and I'm trying to get to another group to kill without letting me adrenaline go to waste.
When you have at least one adrenaline skill not charged, you can tell when its about to go away by the flashing, but when all are fully charged, they just disappear without notification.
My suggestion - add a bar like the timer for enchantments on the skill for fully charged adrenaline skills. It's minor, I know, but sometimes it'd be nice to know how long I got until my skills fade.
When you have at least one adrenaline skill not charged, you can tell when its about to go away by the flashing, but when all are fully charged, they just disappear without notification.
My suggestion - add a bar like the timer for enchantments on the skill for fully charged adrenaline skills. It's minor, I know, but sometimes it'd be nice to know how long I got until my skills fade.
So basically it's a skill/enviromental effect only on you with a tiny bar shrinking to show how long you have adren for before it gets wasted?
/signed if that ^.
/signed if that ^.
Counting to 25 is hard. A timer isn't really needed.
Xenex Xclame
No no, just make it simple, just make fully charged adrenaline skills flash, no need to do anything complicated.
/signed for either for timer or for skill flash, counting is simple but it's just plain stupid to have to do it.
Archress Shayleigh
/signed for a little yellow bar near the HP/MP one.
Shayne Hawke
I've definitely had this problem, and it seems like a simple thing to be adjusting. Good idea.
after playing war for long enough you know when its about to run out. and if you're concerned with it running out, just chuck a spear or fire an arrow asap.
Devastating Flames
/signed i would like to seem something for the ald mabye a yellow bar as a few have mentioned above something that starts draining after u stop gaining and once u strike it goes back up to teh top i dont think it would be to hard to manage mabye in the next concept update if a mod see this but yeh sounds like a good idea would help out

I'm afraid that a numerical countdown would push some PUG Wammos into leeroying into the next group unprepared even more than they do now. Having played a warrior for some time, I get have a feeling when my adren is going to cool down, so I don't particularly need it. But I guess for guys who want to be able to quantify every last bit of the game, a bar would be useful. Personally, adapting the the single skill flicker to the whole bar would be more than satisfying.
after playing war for long enough you know when its about to run out. and if you're concerned with it running out, just chuck a spear or fire an arrow asap.
Granted, prior to the enchantment timer, I used to think the same way about renewing attunements on my ele or prot skills with my monk.
And look how much that timer helps.
So... /sorta semi-signed
It wouldn't hurt. But once you've played as a warrior long enough, you wouldn't really need it anyway.
Zodiac Meteor
/signed for it starts flashing
But it's really unnecessary, I'd be more concerned about the next mob than my adrenaline.
Marty Silverblade
I'll /sign a counter, but it really isn't all that necessary. You get a feel for it after a while.
Dabineh Deathbringer
Wow a lot more positive support than I thought. I've been playing for awhile, and although it's true that I may get the feel for it, my "feelings" aren't always accurate. There have been times where I run up to a monster, press my keyboard to adrenaline skill, and just have it go away right when I'm about to cast/active it. And it's a lot better going into mobs with adrenaline than without it. . . just like it is with minions.
Commander Kanen
i would like a counter. that being said. while in some areas (mostly dungeons) my adrenaline bar doesnt even show as normal. so i can use the adrenaline skill but it doesnt show as ready.