Power Shot PVE/PVP Split
I have 2 attack skills instead of 3 in pre searing. Anet changed a huge ranger skill in pre and it isn't worth it to bring it on your bar. Auto attack does at least 2x more damage.
YH powershot is rly bad now. But Rangers were one of the best pre classes anyway. So I don't see a big problem.
Do you know if it's a big problem at the lower lvls? For charrhunting etc.
I mean, You have the green bow and r lvl 17, so you don't need powershot anyways
Do you know if it's a big problem at the lower lvls? For charrhunting etc.
I mean, You have the green bow and r lvl 17, so you don't need powershot anyways

So you are basing that on Pre, where armor ignoring damage is a lot weaker than auto-attacking with a wand at higher levels...
thats pretty funny
gotta love pre!
gotta love pre!
because Pre is obvously the top proirity on skill balancing.
and as said, AI damage is better than auto attacking outside of pre...
and as said, AI damage is better than auto attacking outside of pre...
There are 8 ranger skills in pre. Anet just made one of those 8 useless. Change some other skill to armor ignoring, or just revert it. Presearing does have a community, you guys above are forgetting that.
Xenex Xclame
They are not forgetting they probably dont care.
Powershot is a great skill now , like it should have been all along.
PS Charm Animal is also useless.
Powershot is a great skill now , like it should have been all along.
PS Charm Animal is also useless.
there was rly no reason not to impliment a pvp/pve split with these ranger changes, as they were all based on pvp, and ended up weakening rangers in pve when they didn't need that at all.
Dear god... we are balancing skills based on presearing now?
I mean... at least the people complaining about RA balance I can sorta take seriously. But this?
Yes it has a community... but it is a fringe community. It should definitely not be the basis for the entire game's balance.
I mean... at least the people complaining about RA balance I can sorta take seriously. But this?
Yes it has a community... but it is a fringe community. It should definitely not be the basis for the entire game's balance.
Obviously a PvP/PvE(post)/PvE(pre) skillsplit is needed.
Oh, and good job on creating a character name insinuating girl-on-girl love without using the actual derogatory term.
Oh, and good job on creating a character name insinuating girl-on-girl love without using the actual derogatory term.
Rangers weren't even a good class in pre before this nerf. Who cares.
Skyy High
You're a lvl17, fighting lvl1-5 mobs. Please, cry about it more. They're not going to take presearing "balance" into account when you can auto attack and kill most of the mobs at that high a level.
Shayne Hawke
How about fighting some real monsters and then coming back with an argument?
However, not just a split where Power Shot was reverted to what it was before. It should be BUFFED along with every other bow damage skills in PvE simply because interrupts and condition pressures (other than daze) are complete useless there. Unless they make all of the other useless ranger stuff useful again in PvE again all these single target skills should massively spike to give an advantage of using them over the stale barrage splinter combo.
However, not just a split where Power Shot was reverted to what it was before. It should be BUFFED along with every other bow damage skills in PvE simply because interrupts and condition pressures (other than daze) are complete useless there. Unless they make all of the other useless ranger stuff useful again in PvE again all these single target skills should massively spike to give an advantage of using them over the stale barrage splinter combo.
u are wrong, this skill is veeeery OverPowered if you are lvl 2 or 3