*[item]* = new item
Green Weapons
Marobeh’s Chill – B/O 1k
Koren's Hornbow - SOLD
Gold Weapons
All are max with max mods, unless otherwise stated
Crippling Cleaver of Axe Mastery (Tyrian) r13, inherent +15% while enchanted (19% axe mastery) – B/O 1k
Hand Axe of Warding (Tyrian) r13, inherent +15%^50 – B/O 1k
Clouded Maul of Shelter r10, inherent +15%/-5 – S/B 1k
Stone Crusher r9, inherent +15%^50 – S/B 3k
Cruel Break Hammer of Shelter r11, inscription “Brawn over Brains” (+14%/-5) – B/O 1k
Sundering Briar Blade of Swordsmanship r13, inscription "Too Much Information" (+14%) (19% chance armor penetration) - SOLD
Ebon Bramble Blade of Fortitude r9, inscription "Too Much Information" (+14%) (+29 health) - SOLD
Longbow of Tenguslaying r10, inherent +15% vs. hexed foes – B/O 1k
Silencing Longbow of Warding r12, inherent +5 energy – B/O 1k
Flatbow r13, inherent +15% vs. hexed foes – B/O 1k
Flatbow r9, inherent +15%/-10 while attacking – B/O 1k
Stoneshard Hornbow r12, inscription “Too Much Information” (14%) – S/B 1k, B/O 3k
Barbed Bramble Shortbow of Fortitude r12, inscription "Strength and Honor" (+29 health) - B/O 1k
Crude Daggers r10, inscription “Don’t Think Twice” – B/O 1k
Insightful Turquoise Staff of Defense r13 Energy Storage, inscription "Don't Fear the Reaper" (+19% while hexed) - S/B 1k
Weapon Upgrades
All are max, unless otherwise stated
Barbed Axe Haft – B/O 500g
Crippling Axe Haft – B/O 500g
Cruel Axe Haft - B/O 500g
Ebon Axe Haft – SOLD
*Fiery Axe Haft - B/O 500g*
*Furious Axe Haft - B/O 1.5k*
Heavy Axe Haft x2- B/O 500g
Poisonous Axe Haft – B/O 500g
Zealous Axe Haft x2 - B/O 1.5k
Axe Grip of Defense x3- B/O 500g
Axe Grip of Fortitude
Axe Grip of Fortitude (+29) - B/O 500g
Axe Grip of Warding – B/O 500g
Cruel Hammer Haft x2 – B/O 500g
Fiery Hammer Haft - B/O 500g
Heavy Hammer Haft x2– SOLD
Shocking Hammer Haft x2– B/O 500g
Sundering Hammer Haft - B/O 1k
Hammer Grip of Defense – SOLD
Hammer Grip of Warding - B/O 500g
Barbed Sword Hilt - B/O 500g
Crippling Sword Hilt x2 - SOLD
Cruel Sword Hilt – SOLD
Fiery Sword Hilt – B/O 500g
Poisonous Sword Hilt x2 – B/O 500g
Shocking Sword Hilt – B/O 500g
Sword Pommel of Warding – SOLD
Barbed Bowstring - B/O 500g
Crippling Bowstring x2 - B/O 500g
Ebon Bowstring x3 – B/O 500g
Fiery Bowstring - B/O 500g
Icy Bowstring – B/O 500g
Poisonous Bowstring - B/O 500g
Shocking Bowstring x5– B/O 500g
Silencing Bowstring x3- B/O 500g
Bow Grip of Defense x3 – B/O 500g
Bow Grip of Enchanting - B/O 500g
Bow Grip of Warding – B/O 500g
*Bow Grip of Fortitude (+29) - B/O 500g*
Barbed Dagger Tang x3 – B/O 500g
Crippling Dagger Tang - B/O 500g
*Poisonous Dagger Tang -B/O 500g*
Shocking Dagger Tang x3 – B/O 500g
Vampiric Dagger Tang x2- B/O 2k
Dagger Handle of Dagger Mastery - B/O 500g
*Dagger Handle of Enchanting - B/O 3k*
Dagger Handle of Fortitude (+29 health) – B/O 500g
Heavy Scythe Snathe - B/O 500g
Icy Scythe Snathe – B/O 1.5k
Poisonous Scythe Snathe - B/O 500g
Shocking Scythe Snathe – SOLD
Cruel Spearhead x2 – B/O 500g
Ebon Spearhead – SOLD
Heavy Spearhead – B/O 1k
Icy Spearhead – SOLD
Poisonous Spearhead - B/O 500g
Adept Staff Head – SOLD
Wand Wrapping of Quickening x2- B/O 1k
All are max, unless otherwise stated
"Cast Out the Unclean" x2- B/O 500g
“Have Faith” x3– B/O 500g
“I Can See Clearly Now” – SOLD
“Only the Strong Survive” x4 – B/O 500g
“Pure of Heart” x2 – B/O 500g
“Sheltered by Faith” x2 – SOLD
“Cast Out the Unclean” – B/O 500g
“To the Pain!” x2– B/O 500g
“Dance with Death” – B/O 500g
“I am Sorrow” – B/O 500g
“Soundness of Mind” – B/O 500g
"I Have the Power!" - B/O 1k - reserved for braxus
“Strength and Honor” x2- B/O 500g
“Don’t Think Twice” - B/O 500g
“Let the Memory Live Again” - B/O 500g
Bolts of Cloth – 2k/stack (6)
Tanned Hide Squares – 2.75k/stack (4)
Bones – 1.75k/stack (2)
Wood Planks – SOLD
Piles of Glittering Dust – SOLD
Minipets (all unded)
1st Year
Burning Titan – SOLD
Kirin – SOLD
Hydra – SOLD
Fungal Wallow – SOLD
Jungle Troll – SOLD
Siege Turtle – B/O 500g
Whiptail Devourer –SOLD
2nd Year
Aatxe x2 – SOLD
Fire Imp x3 – S/B 3k, B/O 5k
Harpy Ranger – S/B 3k, B/O 5k
Juggernaut – S/B 3k, B/O 5k
Mandragor Imp x2 – S/B 3k, B/O 5k
Time Zone: GMT +1Please leave your IGN with your bid or send it by PM. I'll add your IGN to my friends list and contact you when I see you on. I will meet winners in the Temple of Balthazar International District 1 unless another location is requested. Items which have received bids but have not been bought-out will run for approximately 3-5 days before I accept the highest offer. All items have a two week reserve period unless I am contacted by the winner by PM. I will not sell items in game if they have been bought-out or if there has been a winner. For any other item that is sold in game, I will immediately update this post. Back from my vacation, so I'll probably not be on GW too often now.
(almost) Daily available from 11pm-midnight GMT +1 (2pm-3pm PST). If you leave your timezone, I'll also send a PM on Guru asking if you have a preferred time to meet. You can also post a suggestion with your bid or by PM.