Hey guys,
I'm selling alot of stuff here's the list :
Obsidian Edge Q11---> * SOLD *
Restoration - Frog Scepter Q9
s/o = 100e
c/o = 80e (Coast Pg)
b/o = none yet
Eternal Blade Q10
s/o = 85e
c/o = 0e
b/o = 110e
Bone Dragon Staff - Water Magic Q9
s/o = 110e
c/o = 0e
b/o = 160e
Voltaic Spear - Q10
s/o = 25e
c/o = 30e (Team Mascot)
b/o = 45e
Celestial Compass - Restoration Q9
s/o = 10e
c/o = 0e
b/o = 20e
Tormented Focus - restoration
s/o = 15e
c/o = 0e
b/o = 25e
40/40 Tormented Curses Set --- > *SOLD*
40/40 Healing Prayers Tormented Set ---> *SOLD*
Tormented Protection Staff--->*SOLD*
Tormented Strength Shield----> *SOLD*
Tormented Healing Focus ( +15e ) ---> *SOLD*
Tormented Protection Focus ( +15e )
b/o = 25e
I play during European hours gmt+1 , so u will have most chance to talk to me during euro hours.
I deserve the rights to sell ingame.
Hf bidding.
IGN = Krystal Akid W
WTS: q9 Bone Dragon Staff/q10 Obby/q9 froggy/q10 Eternal blade/etc etc!
I Crystal Acid I
Diao Xiao
b/o on obsi q10
b/o torm shield
b/o 40/40 heal set torm
b/o 40/40 Curses set torm
S/b on q10 Voltaic
IGN : Baby Healz
Edit: thanks for the quick trade!
b/o torm shield
b/o 40/40 heal set torm
b/o 40/40 Curses set torm
S/b on q10 Voltaic
IGN : Baby Healz
Edit: thanks for the quick trade!
Will Mason
B/O Torm Prot Staff
S/B Torm Resto Focus'
IGN: Will Mason
S/B Torm Resto Focus'
IGN: Will Mason
100k on resto Froggy
50e on resto tormy focus, c compass and froggy as a set
B/O Tormie Healing Focus ....
Ign Xx Dogz Xx
Ign Xx Dogz Xx
30e VS
IGN: Team Mascot
IGN: Team Mascot
80e on resto froggie
Ealdrin Odarion
B/O on Resto Compass
IGN = Ealdrin Odarion
IGN = Ealdrin Odarion
b/o on torm focus resto if still avail
ign: fulla kick
ign: fulla kick