Closed due to a Ventari's Violation

David Moonbow

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

If You Build It They Will Come


EDITED by Engage for the following Guidelines Violation: Using an Alt. to Post an Inflated PC
  • While having an alternate account is not in itself a violation, it is highly discouraged. You are not allowed to use multiple accounts to gain any kind of advantage.
  • Any violation will result in all alternate accounts being closed permanently and a lengthy ban (1-4 weeks) to the primary account. (the account with the most posts)

Please read the Ventari's Forum Guidelines to avoid any further violations.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2009


Who Are You [wAu]


r9 mursaat=50-60k/r10=30k
r10 curses cc 80-100k
colossal r9=15k r10=5-10k

King Bannian

King Bannian

soarer of the stars

Join Date: Oct 2009

Ontario, Canada

1st Pane

Demonic Q10 mot - salvage +30 (5k), skin could get ~5k imo
Demonic Q12 tac - salvage +30 (5k), skin could get ~5k imo
Draconic Q11 str - ~80k imo
Draconic Q13 mot - i'd salvage +30 (5k) and sell the skin ~10k imo.
Draconic Q9 str - ~30-35e imo
Gloom Q9 str - salvage +30 (5k) , skin gets 10k
Celestial Q9 tac - salvage +30 (5k), skin can get ~20k
Eternal Q10 com - salvage +30 (5k), skin gets ~5k imo
Eternal Q9 tac - ~30k imo
Eternal Q10 mot - 3-5k imo
Sun and Moon Q9 tac - salvage +30 (5k), skin gets 10k
Sun and Moon Q9 str - salvage +30 (5k), skin gets 10k
Amethyst Q10 mot - ~10k
Amethyst Q9 mot - ~20k
Iridescent Q10 tac - 3-5k imo
Diamond Q9 mot - salvage +30 (5k), skin gets ~10k imo

Pane 4
Salient Daggers Q9 - merch imo, non max.
Celestial Daggers Q10 - ~10k imo
Sephis Q9 - ~5k
Tetsubo Q9 - ~15k
Gemstone Q9 - 5k
Gemstone Q10 - 1-3k
Colossal Q10 - 10k
Colossal Q9 - 20k
Sephis Q12 - merch
Celestial Q10 - 5k
Igneous Q9 - 1-3k
Brute Q9 - 5-10k
Fiery Gladius Q9 - 20k
Shinobi Q9 - ~100k is not very hard to get
Shinobi Q10 - ~50k imo
Summit Q8 - ~100k imo

Pane 5
Embersteel Q10 - 5-10k
Jade Q9 - salvage 20% ench (5k), skin gets 15k
Gothic Axe Q9 - 25k
Gothic Sword Q10 - 1-3k
Legendary Q10 - 1-3k
Gothic Sword Q9 - 5-10k
Gothic Dual Q9 - 30k
Stygian Q10 - 10k
Sephis Q9 - 5k
Chaos Q10 - 20-30k
Icy Blade Axe Q9 - 5-10k
Fiery Blade Axe Q9 - 5-10k
Runic Axe Q9 - ~20k
Zkeys are ~5k each.

King Bannian

The Pcer


Join Date: Feb 2010



The Req 8 Summit and the Req 9 Sephis since old school tyrian

imo both will be 100k + xxx ecto for summit and 100k+xx ecto for sephis

PS: i am intested in the summit pm me



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2009

Kamadan AD1


Originally Posted by The Pcer View Post
The Req 8 Summit and the Req 9 Sephis since old school tyrian

imo both will be 100k + xxx ecto for summit and 100k+xx ecto for sephis

PS: i am intested in the summit pm me
The sephis is worth 5k MAX