Bugged Crystalline Sword
roadrunner meep meep
CLOSED Remaking
Stop The Storm
100 ecto..............
retract, nvm let him have it
roadrunner meep meep
Bump bids still bad... Bid more or you dont get it simple
12 chars
12 chars
roadrunner meep meep
Bump again,, probaly gona enlist soon so wont be playing much if any at all so chance for this is running out
roadrunner meep meep
Bump Bids still low have had alot higher offers ingame
roadrunner meep meep
Bump 3 More bumps and if bids still this low i keep.
roadrunner meep meep
Bump C.o is 350e Need better offers going into the USMC alrdy tested time till ship out cld be in 3 months up to a year either way you wont see this blade ever again or not for a long time. B.o comming this weekend maybe depends on bids i will log on to show ingame if any one asks