Which items are worth inscribing with "measure for measure" ?
I would like to know if people really save those inscriptions for certain items.
I heard about the ruby daggers, ruby maul etc. but what else ?
I heard about the ruby daggers, ruby maul etc. but what else ?
I usually use them on great conches if I need dust.
I use them on items that contain rare mats that are pricey at the trader, that way I don't have to buy them for armor. Or for rare mats that are easy to sell to other players, like rubies, monstrous claws, etc.
Granite hammer for granite slabs
Trader of Secrets
for iron i put them on swords and wands (metallic ones). Yields about 45-60 iron.
Ruby Daggers, Ruby Mauls -----> 1-2 Rubies (2 if you are really lucky)
Jeweled Daggers --------------> 1-2 Sapphires
Diamond Aegis -------------> 1-2 Diamonds
Jeweled Daggers --------------> 1-2 Sapphires
Diamond Aegis -------------> 1-2 Diamonds
Ruby daggers and Mauls.
Anti Welfare
99% of the time i use them on the gold great conches from raptor farming during events. with a moderate farm rate of 4-5 hours a day, during a weekend event i can get 20-25 stacks of dust.
Bulletproof Maniac
swords, metallic things etc. and u can get 8+ steel
i use them on anything that gives me dust,fibers(brair weapons),gems like ruby/sapphire/diamonds,or granite. other wise i save them for a weapon i get that does this for me. gold ones give more then grape then blue.
Deatgs Corrupter
starfish focuses from boggy run -100-135dust ea if gold
I need to start saving these....I just don't have the inventory space.