q12 clockwork and some other stuff
Mesmers Are Bad
mods please close
Coffee Man
5k on Zodiac staff ty 
IGN --> Azeral Styx

IGN --> Azeral Styx
30k on clockwork
IGN :Kyo Unshi
IGN :Kyo Unshi
Ariena Najea
8k on Zodiac Staff
IGN Ariena Najea
IGN Ariena Najea
Coffee Man
10k on zodiac staff pls
IGN ---> Azeral Styx
IGN ---> Azeral Styx
1e on plagueborn focus
IGN : Fafa La Guedin
IGN : Fafa La Guedin
Ariena Najea
15k on Zodiac =)
IGN Ariena Najea
IGN Ariena Najea
1k on Platinum Sickles
Mesmers Are Bad
I'm going to keep this up for another day or so and then make a decision.
Gratz to Sleepyy on getting the focus.
I'm going to keep this up for another day or so and then make a decision.
Gratz to Sleepyy on getting the focus.