WTS Non-Insc Shields & More
S/b on Longsword.. .
300e on q9 stance magmas shield................................ 50e on q9 +30 -5/20 guardian of the hunt
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EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violation: Stealth BiddingWhile the rules discourage most cases of posting more than once in the same thread, stealth bidding is not permitted and is the specific exception mentioned in the guidelines. "Stealth bidding" is editing an existing post to raise your offer after another user has posted an offer outbidding you. If you want to raise your bid because you have been outbid you must make a new post. You may not outbid another user's offer by editing an earlier post.
Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
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EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violation: Stealth BiddingWhile the rules discourage most cases of posting more than once in the same thread, stealth bidding is not permitted and is the specific exception mentioned in the guidelines. "Stealth bidding" is editing an existing post to raise your offer after another user has posted an offer outbidding you. If you want to raise your bid because you have been outbid you must make a new post. You may not outbid another user's offer by editing an earlier post.
Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
on q7 Tactics skeleton shield
+45 stance
-2 stance
on q7 Tactics skeleton shield
+45 stance
-2 stance
10e on q8 longsword 15/-1 eng
50e on q8 amber aegis +45/-2 ench
50e on q8 amber aegis +45/-2 ench
AntOn rage
60e on q8 amber 45/-2ench
S/B magma 30/-3
30e on ornate buckler 45/-2ench
S/B embossed aegis
S/B magma 30/-3
30e on ornate buckler 45/-2ench
S/B embossed aegis
69e on q8 amber 45/-2ench
100e pefect goth
40e q10 30 3 magma...............
40e q10 30 3 magma...............
i dealer i
111e +30 -5/20 goth
100e amber ench
50e maxmas hexed
60e each skeleton and ornate Q7
33e embossed
ing: nila van aris
100e amber ench
50e maxmas hexed
60e each skeleton and ornate Q7
33e embossed
ing: nila van aris
111e on amber q8 ...
i dealer i
123 amber q8

140e amber q8 =pp
115e +30 -5/20 goth
60e magmas hexed
60e magmas hexed
Stop The Storm
150e GoTH.............
i dealer i
175 goth
66e hexed magmas
150 amber.. stop it sleepy :P
66e hexed magmas
150 amber.. stop it sleepy :P
180e +30 -5/20 goth
70e magmas hexed
70e magmas hexed
169e on amber q8 !
Nah sry Nila =p
Nah sry Nila =p
173e on the amber aegis
185e on the GotH
185e on the GotH
200e on goth
AntOn rage
66e on q7 ornate buckler
210e goth...................
Ariena Najea
20e on Skeleton Shield -2 stance/-3 10%
Awesome collection =)
IGN Ariena Najea
Awesome collection =)
IGN Ariena Najea
King Bannian
s/b shield of the lion <3
King Bannian
King Bannian
thunder boy
s/b on crystalline
thunder boy
thunder boy
eight arms to heal
s/b on skull shield.
7e on insc. shield of the lion
7e on insc. shield of the lion
50e on crysta........................
i dealer i
zodiac dom 25e.........
75e ornate buckler
10e skull shield
10e skull shield
12e on Storm Bow please
s/b on everything.......................
Bump this up.
Hellfire The Monk
Ornate Buckler 100e
Cleaver 10e
Cleaver 10e
Bump this up.
55e on Crysta and the q7 -2 +45 skele shield please
Smars The Tank
Smars The Tank
8 ectos on tormented earth staff.
Ceaser the third
Ceaser the third
q7 45/-2 skele 66e
30e stormbow
20e cleaver
20e cleaver
32e for Storm Bow please
I guess 69e on the q7 skelly +45/-2
6e on earth tormy staff