Selling a few items.
IGN: Wuddly Wabbit
Weapons ~all inscripable
Golden Phoenix Blade req10
no noticable mods
s/b 1.337 g
c/o 1k (drama)
Embercrest Staff req12 divine
no noticable mods
s/b 1.337 g
c/o 10k (legion)
Platinum Sickles req12
+5 energy
+30 hp
s/b 1.337 g
Greather Guardian Spear req11
no noticable mods
s/b 1.337 g
c/o 1k (drama)
Onyx Staff req 10 soul reaping
no noticable mods
s/b 1.337 g
Minis ~all minis are unded
Mini Hydra - 1k
Mini Necrid Horseman - 1k
Mini Nornbear - sold ~king
Mini Rurik - sold ~king
Mods ~all mods are max
Sundering Sword Hilt (x2) - 3k
Sword Pommel of Fortitude - 5k
Axe Grip of Enchanting (x2) - 3k
Vampiric Axe Haft - 2k
I Have the Power! (+5 energy) - 2k
Seize the Day (+15 energy -1 health regen) - 1k
Luck of the Draw (-5:20%) - sold ~tanith
Random stuff
Book of secrets (x2) 6k
Amulet of the mists (x1) 5k
WTS golds, pets & mods
sista chris
10k on embercrest staff
ign:Kyo Unshi
ign:Kyo Unshi
Thank you very much.
1k on golden pheonix blade
1k on greater guardian spear
1k on greater guardian spear
Mini Nornbear - 10k
Mini Rurik - 5k
ill take these 2 guys
IGN Kingg Ghost
Mini Rurik - 5k
ill take these 2 guys
IGN Kingg Ghost
2k Golden Pheonix Blade (if this is still open and available). Please pm me as id be interested in knowing b/o price
5k on amulet of mist
ign: removed
ign: removed