Factions Cutscene Voices.
I have to ask, and really hope either Martin or Regina can answer me, but well, what the hell was going on when you guys decided to do the voiceovers for the Factions cutscenes? I mean, Prophs/Nightfall/EotN? Not bad at all, most of the voiceovers are fairly well done, sure they are somewhat cheesy, but heck, they are MMO cutscenes, not expecting this to be Mass Effect or anything here with my cutscene quality.
I dunno, I just find it amusing after finishing up Proph and Nightfall, where everyone actually sounds at least somewhat how they look/you would picture them, to Factions where Togo, who looks like he would be an elderly man sounds like a teenager going through puberty, and Danika, and jesus, really everyone in Factions.
I dunno, I just find it amusing after finishing up Proph and Nightfall, where everyone actually sounds at least somewhat how they look/you would picture them, to Factions where Togo, who looks like he would be an elderly man sounds like a teenager going through puberty, and Danika, and jesus, really everyone in Factions.
What, you don't like the origin of the excellent skill, Stoned Was Elder Rhea?
Looks like you need some of the Luxon's special herbs, man. Just chill with the jade vibe, let your worries slip away, dude...
Looks like you need some of the Luxon's special herbs, man. Just chill with the jade vibe, let your worries slip away, dude...
pumpkin pie
the voice acting was terrible for Faction, I concur! Takes away any dignity the character have. especially Togo.
That is why I say Zojja should not sound cute just because she's a tiny Asura. she should have any nice female voice.
That is why I say Zojja should not sound cute just because she's a tiny Asura. she should have any nice female voice.
All the scenes between the fortune teller and shiro, just so extremely excruciatingly painful.
"Beware... he harvest... ceremony..."
I've helped peeps on Factions missions, they were male but during end mission scenes spoke in a female voice

Not a lot of people like Danika but the woman who voiced her does work in anime from time to time (can't remember the name but she did the sword chick in love hina and ryoko in the 3rd OVA series).
My guess is bad directing or a crappy audio engineer when all the VOs suck.
My guess is bad directing or a crappy audio engineer when all the VOs suck.
*Zhuuuuuuuuuu Hanuku*
cracks me up every time.
But look here for a list of all the voice actors. If Factions sounds that bad, it is just because next to Mhenlo being voiced by Nolan North everybody looks bad.
The whole Togo/Shiro thing is rather weird. Two actors are listed as Mater Togo on imdb, but none as Shiro.
cracks me up every time.
But look here for a list of all the voice actors. If Factions sounds that bad, it is just because next to Mhenlo being voiced by Nolan North everybody looks bad.
The whole Togo/Shiro thing is rather weird. Two actors are listed as Mater Togo on imdb, but none as Shiro.
Mhenlo was Nolan North? I did not know that, but that explains why he sounded so damn familiar.
I wish there was more complete information on who the voice actors were (and who they played) in each game.
GW had some great VAs, though. Nolan North, Steve Blum, Kari Wahlgren, Robin Atkin Downes...so strange that Factions was so bad in that aspect, when the other three were awesome.
I wish there was more complete information on who the voice actors were (and who they played) in each game.
GW had some great VAs, though. Nolan North, Steve Blum, Kari Wahlgren, Robin Atkin Downes...so strange that Factions was so bad in that aspect, when the other three were awesome.
I'm glad to see that I was not the only one thinking voice over in Factions was terribad!
The worst imo is Shiro's voice, he sounds like a giant retard. Add him in a scene with the fortune teller, and you're in for a painful moment.
The worst imo is Shiro's voice, he sounds like a giant retard. Add him in a scene with the fortune teller, and you're in for a painful moment.
Introverted Dimensions
I think the Norn were poorly voiced in EoTN.
I never play with sound on but I can imagine this being annoying.
I remember a part from the cinematic at the end of Gyala Hatchery:
Master Togo: "I would have you stop bickering like school children and start forming an alliance."
Master Togo: "Only together will we have the strength to defeat him."
Luxon Soldier 3: "Forgive me, Master Togo. You have never steered us wrong before."
Luxon Soldier 3: "We will do whatever it takes to destroy Shiro once and for all..."
Luxon Soldier 3: "...even if that means allying with the Kurzicks."
The voice of the Luxon Soldier is horrible, bereft of any emotion and the accent is all wrong (the stressing of a certain part of a word). Especially the 'the Kurzicks' at the end.
Might want to listen to it if able
Master Togo: "I would have you stop bickering like school children and start forming an alliance."
Master Togo: "Only together will we have the strength to defeat him."
Luxon Soldier 3: "Forgive me, Master Togo. You have never steered us wrong before."
Luxon Soldier 3: "We will do whatever it takes to destroy Shiro once and for all..."
Luxon Soldier 3: "...even if that means allying with the Kurzicks."
The voice of the Luxon Soldier is horrible, bereft of any emotion and the accent is all wrong (the stressing of a certain part of a word). Especially the 'the Kurzicks' at the end.
Might want to listen to it if able

Edge Igneas
My favorite is "Ahhh Master Togo, I did not know you were here. The minister has been waiting for you"
"It is madness! MADNESS!"
"It is madness! MADNESS!"
My favorite train-wreck is Nahpui Quarter End Cinematic.
It does not get any better than this cinematic. The only way to make Shiro even more campy, would require Adam West to voice him.
- Questionable Asian accent on Suun - Check
- Establishing shot that won't end - Check
- Total music syncronicity - Check
- Background sprites being in just the right distance - Check
- Combat being done in single shot - Check
- Nonsensical arguments between Shiro and pedestrians - Check
- Justification for /emote-acting -Check
- 1920ies Ming the Merciless laughter - Check
It does not get any better than this cinematic. The only way to make Shiro even more campy, would require Adam West to voice him.
the only one that competes with "It's madness I tell you, Madness!!"...
is the Eternal Grove mission cutscene where the kurzick soldier runs up yelling "Baron Vasburg! Baron Vasburg!" ...funny and sad.
Baron Vasburg was also painful to listen to.
Reminds me of the classic Prophecies cutscene...
Soldier: Prince Rurik! Prince Rurik!
Prince Rurik: Yes?
Soldier: Prince Rurik!
is the Eternal Grove mission cutscene where the kurzick soldier runs up yelling "Baron Vasburg! Baron Vasburg!" ...funny and sad.
Baron Vasburg was also painful to listen to.
Reminds me of the classic Prophecies cutscene...
Soldier: Prince Rurik! Prince Rurik!
Prince Rurik: Yes?
Soldier: Prince Rurik!
The first time I played through the factions campaign, I had audio language set to Chinese with English text. I don't speak it so I couldn't tell if it was good or bad, but at least it sounded authentic.
Lyssa be damned if they come out with another campaign, ever, voiced as poorly as the vast majority of Factions.
Here's hoping.

Here's hoping.
The first time I played through the factions campaign, I had audio language set to Chinese with English text. I don't speak it so I couldn't tell if it was good or bad, but at least it sounded authentic.
How do you do this.
I was about to go level up another Ritualist recently, and god knows I don't want to listen to the American voices anymore.
I'm sure GW Chinese sounds even worse to their ears than GW English does to ours.
Then again, they might be used to it from Hollywood dubs.
Then again, they might be used to it from Hollywood dubs.

Cale Roughstar
Getting the voices in Chinese might actually be good. Anything has to be better than Togo's voice. Makes me want to re-enact Reservoir Dogs on my own ears. ffs
Charlie Dayman
Don't forget Maurice LaMarche who played Vekk and also Calculon, Brain and Orson Welles.
Vekk is Calculon?
Mind = Blown.
Mind = Blown.