Guild Name:
The Ooze [OOZE]
Guild Hall:
Isle of meditation
Guild Cape:
Red and Blue with Metallic Purple Eye
Guild Lord Unlocks:
Xunlai Agent 10k
Dye Trader 50k
Rune Trader 25k
Scroll Trader 50k
Priest Of Balthazar 10k
Merchant 25k
Weapon Smith 10k
Guild Emblemer 10k
Canthan Ambassador 10k
Festival Hat Keeper 10k
Total: 210k
Guild is currently allianced as Luxon
IGN: Thunder Rogue
Selling this as it has no members and i tried and failed at starting my own guild, accepting reasonable offer
WTS Guild with Hall, Cape, over 200k of extras with great name
Gladiator Myth