Hey im selling:
Essence of clerity - 3k
Armour of Salvation (2): 2k each
Elite Ranger Tome - 7k
Ele tome - 1k
84 Eggnogs - 90 ea
39 Ages hunter's Ales - 250 each
Traveler's Walking Stick (Green) - 35k
Shrouded Oni Daggers (Green), Dmg+15%, En-5, Life Stealing, Hp+30 - 3k
Murakai's Blade (Green), 15^50, Zealous - 3k
Milius' Pillar (Green),En+10 HSR, HCT, Hp+30 En+5
Oola's Focus (Green), En+12, HSR Restoration Magic, Hp+30 - 3k
Zealous Golden Talons Of Enchanting, "I have the power" incp - 3k
Top Right Map Piece (4): 500 ea
Bottom Right Map Piece(8): 500 ea
Bottom Right Map Piece(2): 500 ea
Whisp me ingame to buy anything: White Sythe
Selling Storage Items
white sythe