5th year birthday minis
Do A Barrel Roll
Goddess Of Defense
Miniature zho with her onyx... that'd be awesome
Once again I want a Miniature Margonite Ascendant/Anur rund
The new Assassin Henchman would be cool as a miniature... or any of the new henchies as a mini to be honest...
and also for those that bring up the poly count for mini glint, why not make glint not so mini? just the largest miniature in game...
miniature diamond djinn... why not there is the water and flame djinn... lol
i want to see a miniature ventari...
a miniature phoenix
miniature dying nightmare
miniature guild lord
miniature ghostly priest
Once again I want a Miniature Margonite Ascendant/Anur rund
The new Assassin Henchman would be cool as a miniature... or any of the new henchies as a mini to be honest...
and also for those that bring up the poly count for mini glint, why not make glint not so mini? just the largest miniature in game...
miniature diamond djinn... why not there is the water and flame djinn... lol
i want to see a miniature ventari...
a miniature phoenix
miniature dying nightmare
miniature guild lord
miniature ghostly priest
-Nightmare <- IT'S ABOUT TIME!!! :P
-Afflicted Rit
-Tormented Land
-Ancient Seer
-Charr Effigy
-Miniature Golem (M.O.X. preferred)
-Stone Reaper (looks so bad-ass)
-Monolith (love how they shapeshift)
-Zhu Hanuku
-Dark Titan
That's about all probs forgot a few neat ones though.
I also like the costume idea and it is our fifth b'day after all, that's something to celebrate a little extra
(extra as in mini and costume)
-Afflicted Rit
-Tormented Land
-Ancient Seer
-Charr Effigy
-Miniature Golem (M.O.X. preferred)
-Stone Reaper (looks so bad-ass)
-Monolith (love how they shapeshift)
-Zhu Hanuku
-Dark Titan
That's about all probs forgot a few neat ones though.
I also like the costume idea and it is our fifth b'day after all, that's something to celebrate a little extra

Thowra Wildfire
Glint, always, no matter how 'difficult' she is to do 
Disc of Chaos
Grenth (or other gods, preferrably Grenth though)
Nightmare, Reaper, Centaur (or Ventari), Forgotten, Chromatic Drake
Master of Whispers

Disc of Chaos
Grenth (or other gods, preferrably Grenth though)
Nightmare, Reaper, Centaur (or Ventari), Forgotten, Chromatic Drake
Master of Whispers
- Nightmare
- Aloe (any of them)
- Tower Golem
- Apocrypha (shapeshifting of course)
- Enchanted Bow (mini bow floating behind you)
- Diamond Djinn (gotta catch all 3)
- Xunlai Chest
Also, why can't have a miniature Glint, when a baby Glint already is ingame? Would the polygon count screw the mini up because it is too complex?
I almost believed that for a second, but then I realized... minis are just those same models scaled down and there are minis with a lot more poly count than Gaile's character. I think this is called.........hmm....excuse?

On a side note, she never said that it wouldn't happen... it'd just be difficult. I would love a mini Glint, though.
snowman relic
i say some Gw2 minis would be nice like those creatures we saw in the preview movie but i think it would be great (if we didnt get gw2 related minis i mean) if we got creatures and NPC's in the game that are often overlooked
Lol minipets. I like getting unethical amounts of cash trading them but that's pretty much all the use they have.
I have a suggestion, either stop now or release the 5th series and stop. That would put the count close to or over 100 unique miniatures which should be plenty enough for everyone to get something they like. Since they will likely continue to churn these out to give the 60 month crowd something to powertrade I'd only suggest that the Shard Wolf finally makes the list.
shadow warrior
swarm of bees
enchanted something would be alright
swarm of bees
enchanted something would be alright
warden of the trunk
outcast death hand
scytheclaw behemoth or deathbane behemoth
forgotten sage
mindblade specter
a mini Delgado(you know you want one)
outcast death hand
scytheclaw behemoth or deathbane behemoth
forgotten sage
mindblade specter
a mini Delgado(you know you want one)
Mini Shing Jea Sherman(complete with sayings and all)
Mini Charr Effigy
Mini Me(mini that looks exactly like yourself)
Mini Margonite(any style)
Mini Togo
Undead Rurik
Whispers Agent
Stone Dwarf(after they changed to stone)
King Adelbern
Emperor Kisu
Elder Rhea
Stop giving us creature ones. This is the last(hopefully) viable year for minis and it would be cool to see the whites be as fun to get as the others.
Mini Shing Jea Sherman(complete with sayings and all)
Mini Charr Effigy
Mini Me(mini that looks exactly like yourself)
Mini Margonite(any style)
Mini Togo
Undead Rurik
Whispers Agent
Stone Dwarf(after they changed to stone)
King Adelbern
Emperor Kisu
Elder Rhea
Stop giving us creature ones. This is the last(hopefully) viable year for minis and it would be cool to see the whites be as fun to get as the others.
lets see i want the mini
women of GW, hotness!!
adult gwen
seige worm that travels undergroung like ingame and does a wail while standing still
balthazarr would be cool
great destroyer
xunlai agent
the bald paragon from the NF game box lol
lets see um ....
lets get a mini ......
version of...
harbinger of nightfall i guess lol ran out of ideas
women of GW, hotness!!
adult gwen
seige worm that travels undergroung like ingame and does a wail while standing still
balthazarr would be cool
great destroyer
xunlai agent
the bald paragon from the NF game box lol
lets see um ....
lets get a mini ......
version of...
harbinger of nightfall i guess lol ran out of ideas
Commander Kanen
Chaos Wurm
Infernal Wurm
Frost Wurm
Cyndr the Mountain Heart
Urgoz =)
Infernal Wurm
Frost Wurm
Cyndr the Mountain Heart
Urgoz =)
Operative 14
As Ive said every year before, I want a miniature Melandru's Stalker (or a lynx, or tiger). I want a miniature version of one of our cats so it looks like a little house cat following us around!
And no, the Mini Celestial Tiger doesn't count.
And no, the Mini Celestial Tiger doesn't count.

I'd like...
Green: Mini Glint!!! (damn i want her since the 2nd year)
Gold: Diamond Djinn (so we have all 3) and Margonite Ascendant (the para one)
Purple: Behemoth (anyone), Captain Langmar and Charr Effigy
White: Wurm (anyone), Monolith (for shapeshifting), Dhuum Skeleton, Shadow's Army Warrior or Ranger (from FoW), Light Fish (from jade sea) and Warden of Forest (from echovald forest)
Hope to see at least one of them... Glint overall
Green: Mini Glint!!! (damn i want her since the 2nd year)
Gold: Diamond Djinn (so we have all 3) and Margonite Ascendant (the para one)
Purple: Behemoth (anyone), Captain Langmar and Charr Effigy
White: Wurm (anyone), Monolith (for shapeshifting), Dhuum Skeleton, Shadow's Army Warrior or Ranger (from FoW), Light Fish (from jade sea) and Warden of Forest (from echovald forest)
Hope to see at least one of them... Glint overall

I'd like to see:
Kilroy or Jalis
Undead Rurik
Shadow Warrior
Turai Ossa (Non Ghostly)
Kilroy or Jalis
Undead Rurik
Shadow Warrior
Turai Ossa (Non Ghostly)
Obrien Xp
I'm going to have to go with:
the mini me. (or mini you) you get it.
a mini wurm
the naked man, for a green.
(If you don't get it look up the naked man on gww)
the mini me. (or mini you) you get it.
a mini wurm
the naked man, for a green.

Dark Saviour
Meh... I don't particularly care for "Monster" minis in general, so I'd rather see some more based off of various characters...
Adult Gwen
Emi and Chiyo
Avatar of Dwayna
Dr. Boar
Swarm of Bees
Iron Forgeman
Facet of Nature
could be alright as well...
Another idea I had... The green could be a mini-Shing Jea Sherman that follows you around espousing lines about your titles (as well as those of your teammates) much like the real one does.
Adult Gwen
Emi and Chiyo
Avatar of Dwayna
Dr. Boar
Swarm of Bees
Iron Forgeman
Facet of Nature
could be alright as well...
Another idea I had... The green could be a mini-Shing Jea Sherman that follows you around espousing lines about your titles (as well as those of your teammates) much like the real one does.
Lawliet Kira
Zaitan would be for the win
Most of all I'd like to see a "mini-you", but a swarm of bees or Dhuum would be nice.
Miniatures of the Gods: (was mentioned, this get my vote)
- Avatar of Grenth, Dwayna, Lyssa, Bathl, Melandru and Abaddon =)
Mini Margonite (was mentioned, this get my vote)
Miniatures of monsters from EoTN: (i know we had Jora, but specifically...Charr hero, vekk, M.O.X etc.)
Mini Junjunru or the Queen Junjunru(the siege wurm)
Mini Diamond Djinn
- Avatar of Grenth, Dwayna, Lyssa, Bathl, Melandru and Abaddon =)
Mini Margonite (was mentioned, this get my vote)
Miniatures of monsters from EoTN: (i know we had Jora, but specifically...Charr hero, vekk, M.O.X etc.)
Mini Junjunru or the Queen Junjunru(the siege wurm)
Mini Diamond Djinn
Nabru Yar
Swarm of Bees
Diamond Djinn
Undead Rurik
Diamond Djinn
Undead Rurik
The character it was awarded to as a Margonite. Would be pro, maybe for 5th bday finally add some new armors? Like luxon derv? Kurz Para? Or even further like Tyrian Assassin lol The possibilities if Anet actually cared....
Turbo Ginsu
Being 5th year, bugger it, go all out. Do lines, for instance mini obsidians, a mini of each class in the obsidian armor for that class. It'd definitely be interesting to see which became the most sought after..
Other than that, if Glint is that difficult, perhaps baby needs the treatment instead..Trade off, but perhaps viable.. I do like the idea of mini Kilroy, but IMO it'd be neat to see him randomly target and attack mobs, players, whatever. The shout has to be there too, but of course he'd have to be immortal and neutral, which shouldn't be a hard job, it was 1 click in the NwN module editor..
Mini Farm-hater, complete with endless whingy anti-farm quotes..
Other than that, if Glint is that difficult, perhaps baby needs the treatment instead..Trade off, but perhaps viable.. I do like the idea of mini Kilroy, but IMO it'd be neat to see him randomly target and attack mobs, players, whatever. The shout has to be there too, but of course he'd have to be immortal and neutral, which shouldn't be a hard job, it was 1 click in the NwN module editor..

Mini Farm-hater, complete with endless whingy anti-farm quotes..
Kael Tytn
for 5th years do miniatures of the GM's in the game : ) i.e Regina Linsley etc etc
Raven Wing
I would really love to see a mini me...the mini that just replicates its owner. Also minis of the npc's like Reyna, Cynn, Evennia etc.
Another neat idea would be minis related to gw2, like Sylvari etc.
Another neat idea would be minis related to gw2, like Sylvari etc.
Pygmy Hippo with chinese takeaway
i really wish mini 's where not bday gifts this year instead doing something clever and new like custumes of some sort i just sick of mini after mini
I want a Cobalt Scabara:

I think that it should be a mini version of the character. And when you change weapons it changes, same with armor, dyes etc.
I also think Glint along with pretty much everyone else.
A mini of each henchie would be cool but that would be alot
Talon Silverwing would be cool since he shows up quite a bit
A mini Sidney Crosby
since he is so dominant in hockey 
A mini grenth, like the costumes that were sold.
Each god
thats all i got
I also think Glint along with pretty much everyone else.
A mini of each henchie would be cool but that would be alot
Talon Silverwing would be cool since he shows up quite a bit
A mini Sidney Crosby

A mini grenth, like the costumes that were sold.
Each god
thats all i got
Flesh Golem!

Introverted Dimensions
the Shing Jea Sherman one is a good idea lol
Mini frostmaw would be so awesome, if it pops up of course.

A mini mob of minions!
Voodoo Rage
Destroyer of Earth - very creative design
A flying bird like a mountain eagle would be unique
I'd also like a mini-golem of sort sort to match the tonic (mini-Phantasmal guy too would be welcome)
A flying bird like a mountain eagle would be unique
I'd also like a mini-golem of sort sort to match the tonic (mini-Phantasmal guy too would be welcome)
Shadow K N I F E
I was hoping for this one last year, as a green or maybe a gold. It seems like it'd make several people happy this year as many are wanting a warden or a margonite. I personally would love for The Blasphemy to be made into a mini.
M @ T
Mini nothing. When you double click it you get nothing.
That or mini tits or something. -_-
That or mini tits or something. -_-