Req 8 Strength 15 Armor Sun And Moon Shield Blue Inscri. s/b 5k b/o ?
Req 8 Strength 15 Armor Defender Blue Inscri. s/b 5k b/o ?
Clovers 100k/Stack
Undedi. Juggernaut
s/b 5k
b/o 15k
Dedi Jora
s/b 10k
b/o 30k
All Inscribable max and Gold unless otherwise stated
Req 10 Illusion Jeweled Staff (Double Dragon Skin) 8k
Req 9 Motivation Reinforced Defender 5k
Req 9 Domain Wooden Chakram 3k
Req 10 Fiery Blade Axe 5k
Req 9 Talon Daggers w/ Zealous Mod 5k
Req 11 Spawning Astral Staff 10k
Req 9 Dragon Spire Staff 5k
Req 9 Clairvoyant Staff 5k
Req 13 Zodiac Hammer 7k
Req 9 Hand Axe (Tyria Skin) 7k
Req 9 Cleaver (Cathan Skin) 7k
Req 10 Salient Daggers 15k
Req 11 Storm Bow b/o 30k
Req 9 Igneous Maul 3k
Req 10 Igneous Maul 2k
Req 10 Idol Blood 3k
Req 11 Suntouched Spear 2k
Req 11 Feathered Flatbow 2k
Req 10 Draconic Spear b/o 30k
Req 9 Diamond Aegis Command 10k
Req 11 Healing Eternal Flame Wand 3k
Req 10 Bone Charm 5k
Req 11 Idol Blood 1k
Req 9 Golden Machete 5k
Req 9 Briarwood Scythe 5k
Req 10 Gothic Axe 20k
Req 9 Vampiric Battle Axe 7k
Req 13 Tact. Gloom Shield 3k
Req 11 Command Reinforced Defender 1k
Req 9 Command Reinforced Defender 5k
Req 12 Motivation Reinforced Defender 1k
Req 9 Command Suntouched Shield 7k
Req 10 Str. Celestial Shield 30k
Req 10 Tact. Celestial Shield 25k
Req 9 Long Sword 7k
Req 12 Spiked Club 3k
Req 10 Eerie Staff Communing 3k
Req 13 Smiting Staff 1k
Req 10 Soul Reaping Platinum Staff 10k
Req 11 Curse Accused Staff 1k
Req 10 Air Staff (Tyria Skin) 3k
Req 10 Suntouched Staff E.Storage 15k
Req 13 Divine Staff (lady on top) 2k
Req 11 Flame Artifact 2k
Req 11 Curse Accused Icon (head skin) 2k
Req 13 Domain Inscribed Chakram 1k
Req 13 Blazing Wing Wand 1k
Req 11 Earth Staff (tyria skin) 2k
Req 9 Earth Wand 3k
Req 9 Frost Artifact 3k
Req 9 Bone Idol 3k
Req 11 Inspiration Jeweled Chalice 1k
Req 11 Command Skull Shield 1k
Greens: (going along w/ price guide)
Everlasting Shadow Staff
Aegis of Aaaaarrrrrrggghh 20k
Nihil's Daggers 1k
Grim Ghostly Staff
Everlasting Ghostly Staff
Grim Ghostly Staff
Magmus's Staff
Cyndr's Heart
The Riddle of Steal 2k
Swift As The Wind 2k
Live For Today 3k
Seize The Day 3k
Focus Core of Fortitude 3k
Focus Core of Endurance 3k