Hello, would like to sell a few items.
I reserve the right to sell in-game at anytime. (Limited space) I will hold onto items for at least 24-hours if someone has made an offer. If poster does not come online or give me a timeframe, I will sell in-game if opportunity arrises.
All items are gold and inscrib unless otherwise stated.
r9 brambles bow- 6k
r9 shadow bow [hornbow] -oldschool +20_50- 5k
r9 Melon Hammer -8k
r9 icy dragon sword- oldschool +15^50 +30hp - 25k
r9 steel broadsword- 5k
r9mot aureate aegis - 20k
r9str emblazoned defender -15k
r9str embossed aegis -3k
r9 elegant scythe -5k
r9devine onyx staff -15k
r9soulr Platinum staff -10k
Unid golds 7=5k [some left]
pm me in-game at archon of azerath
or post here. I am on daily. except for weekends.
Archon's WTS
archon the archer
archon the archer
bring up my thread.
If you think my prices are too high. make an offer and we will work somthing out.
If you think my prices are too high. make an offer and we will work somthing out.