Random Stuff
Essence Snow
Closed by OP
portus magnus
q10 Serrated spear
q9 command Iridescent (+29 -5/20)
q9 command Diamond (+29 +10vEarth)+10 vs Fire (3)
+10 vs Lightning (1)
+10 vs Cold (1)
+10 vs Slashing (1)
+10 vs Piercing (1)
50k for all
ign portus magnus
q9 command Iridescent (+29 -5/20)
q9 command Diamond (+29 +10vEarth)+10 vs Fire (3)
+10 vs Lightning (1)
+10 vs Cold (1)
+10 vs Slashing (1)
+10 vs Piercing (1)
50k for all
ign portus magnus
Show Some Skin
20k on Steelhead scythe, intrested in b/o so pls leave message for what you want for it
ign Show Some Skin

Matriach Stinger - 2k
Arachni's Staff - 3k
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
Arachni's Staff - 3k
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
Sheild of the Heirophant - 4k
ign: Omek The Varangian
ign: Omek The Varangian
Zoldark's Staff = 3k
Milefaun's Staff = 2k
IGN = Funky Slash
Milefaun's Staff = 2k
IGN = Funky Slash
V Assassin V
HI there 
35k on q10 Steelhead scythe
15k on q12 ES Chrysocola Staff
ingame name: V Assassin V

35k on q10 Steelhead scythe
15k on q12 ES Chrysocola Staff
ingame name: V Assassin V
Essence Snow
Move over thread. Your being BUMPED!
~everything so far is acceptable~stuff rdy for pick-up if not already received
~everything so far is acceptable~stuff rdy for pick-up if not already received
Luke D
q10 Demon Tongue Scythe 10k
q10 Ornate Spear 7k
IGN Lorelei Sigent
EDIT: Very fast and exceptionally friendly trader. Would enjoy trading with Essence again in the future.
q10 Ornate Spear 7k
IGN Lorelei Sigent
EDIT: Very fast and exceptionally friendly trader. Would enjoy trading with Essence again in the future.
Essence Snow
Wait the start of Nascar and the Superbowl all in one weekend? Gonna have to do a BUMP and run!
Amulet of the Mists (4) - 4k each
Book of Secrets (3) - 4k each
Deldimore Armor Remnant (10) - 6k each
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
Book of Secrets (3) - 4k each
Deldimore Armor Remnant (10) - 6k each
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
Ariena Najea
~q9 ES Oynx Staff (+5 +30 14/hexed)
5k on this one
IGN Ariena Najea
5k on this one
IGN Ariena Najea
Essence Snow
Taking it back to the days of the "BUMPshaker"!
Droknar's key-1 4K
IGN guardian exin
IGN guardian exin
2 x drok keys - 9k
ign: fulla kick
ign: fulla kick
Droks key x2- 10k total (5k each)
IGN: Omek The Varangian
IGN: Omek The Varangian
Essence Snow
Hitting it up with a BUMP. (looking for those whom have bid to collect items)
Essence Snow
It's the final BUMP down! (still looking for those whom bid....will close this thread instead of bumping again tomorrow)