Req.8/16 Aegis & Great Conch, Canthan Staves, Mods and more...
Great Conch B/O = 65k *sold*
Copperleaf B/O = 20k
Aegis B/O= 85k *sold*
Inscribed Chakram *sold*
Butterfly Mirror *sold*
Flame Artifact (Eyeball skin) *sold*
Plagueborn Sword B/O = 25k
Plagueborn Maul B/O = 20k *sold*
Fellblade B/O = 25k
Plagueborn Staff B/O = 20k
Ghostly Staff B/O = 20k
Cocaktrice Staff B/O = 20k
Mods (with buy-outs)
Bow Grip of Demonslaying +20% - 10k
Bow Grip +30 (x3) - 1k each
Sundering Bow String 20/20 (x2) - 1k each
Axe Grip of Demonslaying +20% - unsure, please bid
Axe Grip of Dwarfslaying +20% - *sold*
Sword Pommel of Enchanting +20% (x5) - 2k each
Axe Grip of Enchanting +20% (x2) 1.5k each
SB on everything is 1k and I'll add buy-outs in 24 hours time because I'm insecure like that. Please don't hesistate to contact me via guru PM or in game.
IGN: Z Storage Mule
SB on everything is 1k.
Great Conch B/O = 65k *sold*
Copperleaf B/O = 20k
Aegis B/O= 85k *sold*
Inscribed Chakram *sold*
Butterfly Mirror *sold*
Flame Artifact (Eyeball skin) *sold*
Plagueborn Sword B/O = 25k
Plagueborn Maul B/O = 20k *sold*
Fellblade B/O = 25k
Plagueborn Staff B/O = 20k
Ghostly Staff B/O = 20k
Cocaktrice Staff B/O = 20k
Mods (with buy-outs)
Bow Grip of Demonslaying +20% - 10k
Bow Grip +30 (x3) - 1k each
Sundering Bow String 20/20 (x2) - 1k each
Axe Grip of Demonslaying +20% - unsure, please bid
Axe Grip of Dwarfslaying +20% - *sold*
Sword Pommel of Enchanting +20% (x5) - 2k each
Axe Grip of Enchanting +20% (x2) 1.5k each
SB on everything is 1k and I'll add buy-outs in 24 hours time because I'm insecure like that. Please don't hesistate to contact me via guru PM or in game.
IGN: Z Storage Mule
SB on everything is 1k.
Great Conch + Aegis = 50k
Plagueborn Maul and Plagueborn Sword 7k/each
Plagueborn Staff (blood Magic) 5k
Plagueborn Staff (blood Magic) 5k
15k on Plagueborn Maul
Ariena Najea
Ghostly Staff 10k
IGN Ariena Najea
IGN Ariena Najea
Bump. Prices added.
Sun Fired Blank
b/o: Great Conch, Aegis.
IGN: Sun Fired Blank
IGN: Sun Fired Blank
b/o: Plagueborn Maul B/O = 20k
Ronja Welty
Ronja Welty
b/o: Plagueborn Maul B/O = 20k
Ronja Welty
Ronja Welty
Ariena Najea
B/O on Ghostly Staff 20k
IGN Ariena Najea
IGN Ariena Najea
Bump. I'll sell to Ariena ASAP.
Thanks for everything so far.
Thanks for everything so far.