Tasca's Demise vanquish
Chasing Squirrels
Hello i am vanquishing this area and am at 105 enemies there is 1 avirca or w/e behind the mineral springs portal which is unreachable. There is also a locked chest there with him i can not get close enough to even pull with a longbow because it will zone me in mineral springs. Anyone else experience t
Can you flag your heroes or henchies to the Avicara?
Sounds like he got stuck behind the chest. If you can't get to him I guess you'll need to start the vanquish over again.
Sounds like he got stuck behind the chest. If you can't get to him I guess you'll need to start the vanquish over again.
Marty Silverblade
This is documented on Wiki, iirc. Nothing you can do about it, unless they patrol out (or Anet added some other fix). If they're close, perhaps try aggroing them with heroes (if they touch the portal you won't zone).
Chasing Squirrels
I tried flagging heroes to the portal to aggro it but it was just too far
I'm sorry but you will probably have to restart the vanquish.