Selling Random Stufzzz
Zealous dagger tang
elite sin tome
white dye
pm me on forum the total plz
elite sin tome
white dye
pm me on forum the total plz
5 Blue
2 Red
3 Silver
14 Orange
13 Yellow
12 Brown
14 Purple
17 Green
50g each
IGN:Fall Foe
2 Red
3 Silver
14 Orange
13 Yellow
12 Brown
14 Purple
17 Green
50g each
IGN:Fall Foe
cmon guys i needa sell this stuff my bank is crowded as crap n i take alota low deals for this stuff
Belgarion Of Rive
ill take the stack of feathers for 6k
ign: Belgarion of Rive
will be on tonight
ign: Belgarion of Rive
will be on tonight
stacks of feathers rnt worth any less that 9k-11k lolz
Monk, Necro, and Ranger tomes - 400 g each
I'll find you in game or I'll PM you my IGN if you like.
I'll find you in game or I'll PM you my IGN if you like.