08 Feb 2010 at 06:32 - 1

Zelklens CupCakes
What does a cupcake do?
Double-click to grant yourself +100 maximum health, +10 maximum energy, and 25% increased movement speed for 10 minutes. This item cannot be used in PvP.
Current Supply: 10 Stacks

B/O-30ecto per stack
Please post offers if you do not wish to pay the B/O
Finished Sales
CronkTheImpaler- Sold

TheNaked- Sold
Pending Sales
The Feeding- Awaiting IGN Order:

25e Each
B wAtEr My FrIeNd-Awaiting IGN Order:

25e Each
I reserve the right to sell in game, accept or reject offer, eat cupcakes.
IGN Goblin Protector