Connection Errors
Regina Buenaobra
Heya. Just wanted to let you all know that we are working on some technical issues following the closing of the Wintersday event. If you're experiencing any issues with connecting (error 7s), please know that our team knows about this, and they are investigating right now.
Thanks for letting us know. I didn't have any problem so far.
Thanks for the info. I will stay away for an hour or two.
i got a error 7 on the snowball at quarter finals , thanks for fixing this problem
Not sure if this is related but I just tried to connect and got a DNS server error bug.
Lycan Nibbler
I appreciate this communication Regina, it seems to be much better lately and it is welcomed I'm sure by all here.
Ah, i don't even notice anymore it has become part of the GW experience same with the never ending lag.
Thanks for the message i guess
Thanks for the message i guess
dr love
It seems the past 2 weeks I've had nothing but connections problems. But I'm pretty sure that had to do with my wireless.
bitchbar player
yesterday and today i get dns error 026 constantly, no clue way. Everything seemd fine on my side, maybe somewhere down the line towards gw servers a hub is down.
Xx Devour Xx
Code 26 FTL... Im getting it now ...
Finally logged in... GG A-Net
Finally logged in... GG A-Net
Loot Junkie
I've been unable to connect for nearly 24 hours, code 026 as soon as i enter my pw
Minako Okanim
I still can't get in ._.
Regina Buenaobra
I have an update. The team is still looking into the connection problems which people experienced in the Eye of the North oupost during the Wintersday Festival. This issue is related to the festival itself. Since the festival is no longer active, this particular issue shouldn't be a problem for players. However, the team will continue to work on the problem.
Meanwhile, if you are experiencing problems connecting to the game, those issues are most likely not related to this specific problem, so please contact the Support Team if you're having problems connecting with your account.
Thanks much for your patience.
We return you to your regularly scheduled program.
Meanwhile, if you are experiencing problems connecting to the game, those issues are most likely not related to this specific problem, so please contact the Support Team if you're having problems connecting with your account.
Thanks much for your patience.
We return you to your regularly scheduled program.
Minako Okanim
Well it's still not working for me...and I still cant access the wiki or the main site
Regina Buenaobra
I'm sorry you're still experiencing issues. I know it must be annoying for you. If it is a DNS problem, it is most likely something you need to resolve with your ISP. If it was a DNS issue on our end, then no one would be able to get in, and we would be seeing far more reports of players being unable to get into the game or access the websites. So I would suggest that you please contact our support team so they can help you isolate the problem, and figure out whether you need to contact your ISP.
Minako Okanim
I can't contact support because I can't even access the main GW website
Regina Buenaobra
Please email [email protected], and we will have a member of the support team contact you. Thanks.
Introverted Dimensions
Had some pretty bad lag issues last night but everything seems fine today.
Hmm, I guess alot of people are having the dns server codes. Error 26 pops up for me every time i try to log announcement items show up on log in screen either..Hope its fixed soon
Anonymous IXl
It will not let me on and i was just on 5 minutes ago...
Anonymous IXl
Its not on my end Regina. I have friends who are getting this Err. 26 as well. I have never even heard of an err26... I am pretty sure with all this happening it must be your end.
i dont know if she is pming you or not but me and my wife are also getting the err26
Massacure Monk
regina are you doing anything to fix the interupt botters in pvp
pumpkin pie
I am guessing this could possibly be the cause of my GW crashing the other night, because ANet was trying to remove the Wintersday event from the game, hence the game cannot find the texture and wire frame etc.
Cool, fyi, logging in find now.
Cool, fyi, logging in find now.