I would like to sale everything and the way I am going to do this is by letting you offer a price. If you do buy it I will supply you with my IGN then.
Gold Weapons
>Zealous Katana of Shelter
----->Zealous Sword Hilt ( Energy gain on hit: 1 / Energy regen: -1)[Perfect]
----->Sword Pommel of Shelter ( Armor +7 vs. physical damage)[Perfect]
----->"Dance with Death" (Damage +14%)
>Shield of the Lion
----->"Run for You Life" (Received physical damage -2)[Perfect]
>Barbed Flatbow of Shelter
----->Barbed Bowstring (Energy +5)[Perfect]
----->Bow Grip of Shelter (Armor +7 vs. physical damage)[Perfect]
>Sundering Suntouched Scythe of Enchanting
----->Sundering Scythe Snathe (Armor penetration +20% Chance 14%)
----->Scythe Grip of Enchanting (Enchantments last 19% longer)
----->"Strength and Honor" (Damage +15% while health is above 50%)[Perfect]
>Battle Axe of Enchanting
----->Axe Grip of Enchanting (Enchantments last 19% longer)
----->Measure for Measure (highly salvageable)
Weapon Mods
>Axe Grip of Axe Mastery (Axe Mastery +1 15% Chance while using skills)
>Barbed Bowstring (Lengthens Bleeding duration on foes by 33%)
>Sword Pommel of Shelter (Armor +5 vs physical damage)
>Barbed Axe Haft (Lengthens Bleeding duration on foes by 33%)
>Axe Grip of Fortitude (Health +15)
>Cruel Hammer Haft (Lengthens Deep Wound duration on foes by 33%)
>Wand Wrapping of Quickening (Halves skill recharge of spell Chance 9%)
>Staff Weapon of Death Magic (Death Magic +1 14% Chance while using skills)
>Hammer Grip of Fortitude (Health +25)
>Scythe Grip of Fortitude (Health +24)
>"Don't Fear the Reaper" (Damage +12%)
>"Vengeance is Mine" (Damage +11%)
>"Don't Think Twice" (Halves casting time of spells Chance 9%)
>"Seize the Day" (Energy +14 / Energy regen -1)
>"Too Much Information" (Damage +11%)
>"Let the Memory Live Again" (Halve the recharge of spells Chance 8%)
>"The Riddle of Steel" (Armor+6)
>"Let the Memory Live Again" (Halve the recharge of spells Chance 5%)
>"Sleep Now in the Fire" (Armor+7)
>"I Can See Clearly Now" (Reduces Blind duration on you by 20%)
>Rune of Restoration
>Minion Master's Insignia [Necromancer]
>Regular Ranger Tome
Storage Clean OUT
Hermes Khaos