Hi all,
My storage starting to be full...
I'm selling a few things :
- Zodiac staff q9 curse 20/10 --> 70k
- Zodiac staff q10 illu 20/10 --> 25k
- Zodiac staff q11 spawning 20/10 --> 30k
- Inscribed staff q9 dom 20/20 --> 30k
- Amber staff q10 earth 20/20 --> 99k
- Amber staff q13 df 20/20 prot --> 99k
- Bo staff q13 earth 20/10 --> 99k
- Jade staff q12 df 20/10 -> 15k
- Outcast staff q12 df 20/19 heal --> 70k
- Jeweled staff (this skin) q12 illu 20/10 --> 15k
- Forbidden staff q10 channeling 20/20 communing --> 15k
- Ghostly staff q9 water 20/20 fire --> 30k
- Platinum staff q11 df (insc) --> 15k
- Dead sword q9 insc (15^50) --> 15k
- q8 Fellblade 13/stance (rly old) --> 35k [SOLD,Pending trade]
- q8 Gladius 14^50 --> 15k
- Chaos axe q9 insc (crap mods) --> 35k [SOLD to chemicaldude]
- Gothic dual axe q8 14/stance --> 99k
- Fiery blade axe q12 (modded +5 +20%ench) -> 7k
Golden hammer q9 (insc) --> 15k
- Celestial shield q10 str ar+10vsEarth +30 --> 99k
- Bladed shield q8 str hp +27 --> 15k
- Guardian of the Hunt q11 tact +29 / -3hex --> 35k
- Zodiac shield q9 mot (insc) --> 15k [SOLD IG]
- Outcast shield q12 tact ar+9vsPierce +44ench --> 70k
- Ornate buckler q11 tact ar+9vsPierce +27 --> 7k
- Ancient shield q10 tact (insc) --> 7k
- Pronged Fan q9 spawning --> 50k
Forget me not 20% (1) 30k [SOLD to Mnokey]
Forget me not 19% (2) 6k/ea
I have the power +5eng (3) 1k/ea
Seize the day +15eng/-1regen (1) 1k
Run for your life -2stance (1) 2k
Sheltered by Faith -2ench (1) 1k500
Leaf on the wind ar+10vsCold (1) 1k
Mods :
For Sword
- Sword pommel of fortitude +30 (1) 3k
- +19% vs Demons (1) 7k
- +18% vs Demons (1) 1k
- +20% vs Dragons (1) 7k
- ench +20% (1) 2k500
- Furious sword hilt 10% (1) 500g
For Bow
- +20% vs undead (2) 1k/ea
- Bow grip of fortitude +30 (2) 1k/ea
- Zealous bowstring (1) 2k
For Daggers
- Zealous dagger tang (2) 6k/ea
- Dagger handle of fortitude +30 (1) 1k
For Axe
- +20% vs undead (1) 1k
- ench +20% (1) 1k
For Spear
- ench +20% (1) 7k [SOLD]
For Offhand/focus
- health +45^ench (1) 5k
Para (1) 500g
"~> Payment :
K (\o/)
Ecto = 7k/ea
Zkey = 4k500/ea
Lockpick = 1k200/ea
Post ur ign with ur bid pls
Ty in advance,
PS : my ign are (y,multi-account) : Fafa La Guedin & Little Rusher
Sleepyyy's storage clearout ! canthan staves/Z-chest drops/Deep chest ...
Chaos axe q9 insc (crap mods) --> b/o
ign: chemical dude
ign: chemical dude
B/o Forget Me Not 20%
ign: Ee Ee E
ign: Ee Ee E
Bump ! 
Ty Mnokey & chemicaldude

Ty Mnokey & chemicaldude
Bump ! 

Bump !
- q8 Fellblade 13/stance (rly old) --> 35k
B/O plz... (only if golden ofc)
IGN: Mrs Morphium
B/O plz... (only if golden ofc)
IGN: Mrs Morphium
Bump !
y it's gold =)
y it's gold =)
I take:
Para (1) 500g
Para (1) 500g