Tired of the mods

Killed u man

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

Since this is for feedback, let me post my 2 cents here:

I'm tired of the many lazy mods on guru. I'm not going to generalize anything, I know there is some very good ones too (dev, etc). But it's getting progessively worse.

I can't make a single thread without someone trolling it, but rather than BANNING users who have shown to have no intelligent input, the mods rather lock the thread for "going off topic" instead.

I mean, I'm not moderator expert, but a monkey could do better than some of these mods. For starters, rather than always locking the thread, look at the actual content of the posts.

Tough I admit I often praise myself, and this might offset people, I'm never the first one to throw a rock. But I can't make a thread without someone replying with the sole message of: "You're bad, you ritspiked your rank, you fcuking suck, youre shit".

For the many lesser intelligent mods, I have no choice but to reply to such as a post because it degeneratives the level of my thread. *I often keep it humain* If someone with genuine ideas wants to posts, and he sees such a last post, he's not going to bother.

But what do the oh-so-intelligent mods do? They lock the thread, and they give ME yet another warning. I'm fcking sorry, but if that's the way you roll, I can just create 50 new accounts, on proxies obv, and troll everyones thread untill THEY get banned.

Mods, learn to do your job. You have been given delete post options, aswell as moving thread options AND in the more severe cases temp banning options.

No other board I post on, not even the famous QQ, has got worse mods than this.

And that's a shame, because there is some very nice mods in here too, and admins. The ones that actually don't pick sides, but simply delete all the troll posts of the bat, and actually reply to my PM's on dealing with those people.




Join Date: Nov 2005



You haven't (to the best that a quick search of my inbox shows) reported a single post recently. As a reminder, I do get all reports from the main forum sections here, and review every one. There are other dedicated moderators who do the same. It's easy to lay the blame on the moderators for being lazy, but you aren't willing to hit a button on an objectionable post? You also know from your own experience that you can contact an admin directly with grievances and they will be dealt with swiftly.

Some very quick and sketchy math tells me that there are something in the region of 2,500 posts made per day on this forum. I think you will agree it's quite a task for volunteer staff to sift through all of that, and we do rely on reports to ensure complete coverage.

There's also the problem of inflammatory/controversial topics: Topics that are on the surface quite valid, but simply attract far too much drama and trolling to make them worthwhile keeping open. In the case of your botting thread we helped it limp along for 21 pages before the effort simply outweighed the benefit of the discussion. We can't have our resources soaked up dealing with a few problem threads, resulting in neglect elsewhere.

In the case of your more recent thread, the original version was almost immediately inundated with garbage. When you've got to delete two thirds of the conversation it isn't really much of a conversation, is it? Even your improved re-post has already had half as many posts deleted as has in total, but in the spirit of conversation (and because you do raise valid points) we will keep it as clean as possible and keep it open for as long as possible.

Coming back to your criticisms, I'm not entirely sure what you are basing this it on. The crux of your complaint seems to be that mods delete posts rather than lock threads, but how do you arrive at that conclusion given that you can't see deleted posts? I can assure you that many, many troll/spam/non-contributing posts are deleted every day.

There is, however, a fine line of what we CAN delete. An opinion is an opinion, however much we disagree with it that doesn't give us any grounds to remove it. If it's not explicitly trolling or garbage then it becomes very difficult to remove it, without opening ourselves up for criticism of promoting one opinion over another.

Keeping this forum functional and well balanced is a community effort, not something any team of moderators could do alone. We rely on you guys to let us know when things are going wrong (this thread is an example of that, I suppose), report posts, and moderate your own actions.

I do appreciate that things get missed, and occasionally the right decision isn't made. If a particular member or situation is concerning you then an Admin is only a PM away.

Thanks for the feedback.

Killed u man

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

Yes, I admit I have been too lazy to report stuff. The main issue I had was that when mods deleted/lock my threads, it's mean they read them anyways, and still chose to lock it rather than deal with the actual problem. (Which is trolls)

Tough I have settled this out with the mods in question, and I apologize for my more offensive posts towards the mods. I was tired of getting disrespected by the community (again, the trolls), and in a way also the mods, who by closing the thread chose the side of the trolls.

But as I said, issues have been solved, and I'll camp the report button this time when making a thread.

Thanks for the reply.

Eragon Zarroc

Eragon Zarroc

Atra estern?? ono thelduin

Join Date: Jan 2008

Madness Incarnate



Originally Posted by Killed u man View Post
Tough I admit I often praise myself, and this might offset people, I'm never the first one to throw a rock. But I can't make a thread without someone replying with the sole message of: "You're bad, you ritspiked your rank, you fcuking suck, youre shit".

For the many lesser intelligent mods, I have no choice but to reply to such as a post because it degeneratives the level of my thread. *I often keep it humain*
You say that you are not the first one to throw rocks, but that doesn't make it ok to throw rocks back... Violence begets violence; the same with harsh language.

Originally Posted by Killed u man View Post
But what do the oh-so-intelligent mods do? They lock the thread, and they give ME yet another warning. I'm fcking sorry, but if that's the way you roll, I can just create 50 new accounts, on proxies obv, and troll everyones thread untill THEY get banned. I find it interesting that you are willing to go so out of your way to threat becoming a troll when you despise them so much.

Its the direct aggressive tone that you write in that attracts all the trolls. When you write as if your way is the only way and that you think of everyone else as being less intelligent, people are naturally going to attempt to contradict you any way they can, even if their logic is faulty or non-existent.




Join Date: Mar 2007

SMS (lolgw2placeholder)


There's no need for anyone else to weigh in on this topic. JR has posted and the situation is resolved. I would lock this thread, but we have a policy of not locking threads in Site Feedback.

tl;dr There's nothing to see here. Move along.