Any/Rt Norn Tournament 2010


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Join Date: Sep 2009

Build:Any/Rt Norn Tournament Spirit Farmer from Pvx Wiki

I have been playing with the W_RT_Norn_Tournament_Spirit_Farmer build from Pvx Wiki. As I do not normally play a caster, it was pretty cool until I ran out of energy after the 3rd skill. I still managed to win the first and second round several times, so it was fun.

Now it is time to get serious and I have a few questions:

First in 2010, is this build still viable? If so then I want to invest in the necessary new armor and weapon sets that I could use across multiple characters.
Pain, Vampirism, Bloodsong, Shadowsong, Dissonance, Signet of Ghostly Might, Painful Bond, You Move Like a Dwarf.

Total Energy demands to use each skill once is 85 with a base energy of 20 that is mega energy that I don't currently have.

I did some searching and found the following:
Start with Warrior base 20
Get new armor and add Radiant insignia for +8 and attunement runes for +8 (keeping the major/superior vigor health rune)
Get high energy collector wand/focus set for +30 energy/-2 energy regen
Total Energy 66, considering using 10% moral boost for select opponents, if needed

Keep on the lookout for an inherent higher energy focus item with either +6 unconditional energy or +12 conditional energy, plus the +15 energy/-1 energy regen.

Which is the better attribute for the high energy set, channeling magic or communing magic and why?

Anything else I can do or add to help with energy and this build?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Ariena Najea

Ariena Najea

Silence and Motion

Join Date: Jul 2006

Buffalo NY

New Horizon [NH]

Since the buff to Summon Spirits, it deals more damage than SoGM. Dissonance isn't really needed, so long as you kite properly and use YMLaD right. If you still want to bring Dissonance and other "optional skills" then bring Spirit Siphon, which since its update is great energy management.

As for your weapon set, I'd suggest a 40/40 Channeling Set, which speeds up the usage of Painful Bond for the tougher opponents, and allows you to use Spirit Siphon more.

It should be mentioned that farming this isn't very profitable any more, and that there are better ways of farming faction such as repeating the Path to Revelations. If you want a crown though or just to finish the quest, spirits really are the way to go =)


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2007


w/rt is harder to usedue to low nrg.
check pvx for any/rit spirit farmer - thats what i used for getting thru norn fighting , its less energy intensive - sos provides 3 spirits cost free
id suggest using only communing/chanelling and getting spirit syphon for war - it does give some nrg return.

I find war and paragons need syphon spirit where casters/sins/dervs have it easy - rangers easily make up for nrg via expertise.
The above one i used and ive only 2x ever tried the tourney and lost badly but when i switched to spirits i got thru all 6 rounds with no difficulty .
The trick is .. soon as you start edge to door , when door opens just step 1 step forward and lay spirits in door .... { |.|.|.|.| }
then when u move forward door closes an foe moves to target range an gets wasted by spirits.Even as warror you can spend say 30 secs layin spirits before u activate it properly - just make sure u dont go beyond the door


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2009

The Pvx Wiki page (I added the link to my orginal post) shows the Signet of Spirits, but when I used the download link for Warrior specific build it included Signet of Ghostly Might.

I will use SOS and add Spirit Siphon.

I have a 40/40 communing set that I can borrow from my wife (after all I made it then gave it to her). I will work on a channeling set as well.




Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



I used this on my Paragon for solo missions like Tihark Orchard and Norn tournament. You might want "You Move Like A Dwarf!" instead of Painful Bond or Summon Spirits for the Norn tournament.

Use siphon for energy, and only swap to your high energy set when you run out. You don't need radiants or attunements. The staff or wand/offhand requirement does not matter very much. Get Channeling if it matters to you.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2007

Wizardry Players Guild [WPG]

I use a build pretty similar to what MisterB uses. The biggest difference is that I also have Disenchantment on my bar in place of Summon Spirits (while potentially useful, I really haven't had a need for YMLAD or Dissonance). Here is how I use this build.
I look to see if I am facing a melee character or a non melee character.
For melee enemies: I use Shadowsong first (to ensure that the enemy is blinded before they run in towards me). Then I use use SoS, Vamprism, Pain, Bloodsong (I usually spread the spirits out just in case the enemy takes out Shadowsong, but this is pretty rare) and if I have the energy with that specific character, Painful Bond. Disenchantment can be used, but it really should not be necessary. The enemy should be dead in short order.

For non melee enemies: I use Disenchantment first (most critical against Mhenlo, who runs as a 55 Monk, but also useful against some of the other casters). Then I use SoS, Vamprism, Pain, Bloodsong (I usually spread the spirits) and if I have the energy with that specific character, Painful Bond. Shadowsong can be used, but it really should not be necessary. The enemy should be dead in short order. As for equipment, I typically use a staff with +15 to +20e. As suggested above, a +15/-1 certainly can be effective, especially on characters will low energy.

Thenameless Wonder

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2009


Use mighty was vorizon, it gives you either +15 or +30 energy. My ranger that runs it has ~30 energy (not counting this skill) and i never run out of energy. I also run a different build and I use expertise tho ;p



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



Mighty was Vorizun is bad; it's a skill for people who don't want to weapon swap. It costs 5 energy, 2.75 seconds to cast, and a skill slot to achieve what you can do with 2 weapon slots out of 4. Switching weapons costs no energy, cannot be interrupted, can be done in less than a second, and requires no skill slots. MwV gives +30 energy and +15 armor.

Rangers and expertise can't compare to what a warrior(or paragon) can run in this case. Rangers have energy management built into their primary and 50% more energy regeneration.