*********closed by c3101429*******
hi folks. you're bidding on therse items.
i reserve the right, etc etc.
1) Undedicated mini roaring ether -10k b/o
2) gold/inscr
Shocking mursaat hammer of fort
q9 hammer mast
19-35 lightning dmg
inscrip-let the mem live again- hsr(9%)
s/b 50k
c/o 70k-netheril pangodar
q9 comm/max arm
aureate aegis of fort
inscrip-i can see clearly now-reduce blind-(20%)
s/b 30k
4) forget me not inscrip-25k sold to the mordiego: thanks
happy bidding!!
unded mini ether/q9 comm aureate/mursaat hammer/forget me not
Zenos Squad
s/b mursaat hammer
Life Bringing
b/o forget me not
still haven't got your in-game name.
Looking for bids on other items too
Looking for bids on other items too
forget me not-28k
the mordiego
the mordiego
offering 70k for insc. mursaat hammer.
(ign removed due to completion of trade, thank you)
(ign removed due to completion of trade, thank you)
time for daily bump. Any bids for aureate?
this is the final bump before i sell stuff.
Karate Jesus
Originally Posted by c3101429

time for daily bump. Any bids for aureate?
I'll give you 15k for it. Let me know.