An Old Scam Making a comeback? Might wana watch out.
Anonymous IXl
A long time ago there was the scam were the scammer would cast recall on you after asking to see the item outside. He then would run out of your bubble and ask you to drop it to "See the mods". They then take off recall (Tele'ing them to your location) and pick up your item leaving you with nothing. Of course any person with common sense would just leave but i know there are some newer players out there and hopefully this can help a few people not get scammed. Of course i didn't fall for it but i hadn't scene it tried in a VERY long time and i have scene it at least twice now in just the past couple weeks.
Introverted Dimensions
that's a pretty clever trick. usually when people try something like that on me I just tell them to go wiki it up or that I'm not an idiot and they'd best take their efforts elsewhere .
that's a pretty clever trick. usually when people try something like that on me I just tell them to go wiki it up or that I'm not an idiot and they'd best take their efforts elsewhere .
Shayne Hawke
Scams don't really go out of style unless they become impossible to do.
Regardless, if it's not something new, we don't need a thread discussing it. It's not new if it used to be popular, went away, and came back.
Regardless, if it's not something new, we don't need a thread discussing it. It's not new if it used to be popular, went away, and came back.
I don't mind taking a weapon outside. I've done it a few times for people. Dropping it however is another matter. They can look at it in the trade window to see the mods. If they don't like that, too bad.

Drop 1g/a collector item on the ground instead. They generally pop over via teleporting and ; + spacebar immidately. Screenshot when they teleport in and steal it (some will mock you for falling for the scam before they realize you didn't drop the actual item), plus screenshot the entire conversation. They submit a report ticket to and they will be banned.
Best part about this is, will ban people for scamming you, even if they only scammed you for 1g.
Best part about this is, will ban people for scamming you, even if they only scammed you for 1g.
Anonymous IXl
Ya. The second it happened i took screen shots and sent in a ticket. The only thing was i dropped a random gold i had that was merch food and he didnt tele over. I just hopei got enough info in the screen shots that i did get.
dr love
recall? thats so old school. its all about ebon escape. any wammo can hide that in his bar.
i snagged a pair of destroyer gloves off someone who was trying to setup the scam on me. i asked him to show a sign of trust and drop his gloves, and he did. i bet he started trying to scam people only because he got scammed in the first place. poor guy.
i snagged a pair of destroyer gloves off someone who was trying to setup the scam on me. i asked him to show a sign of trust and drop his gloves, and he did. i bet he started trying to scam people only because he got scammed in the first place. poor guy.
Drop a white; watch them teleport and pickup the white; press PRTSCRN for ANET support ticket
Cost: 10g(cost on white) + 1 Calory from pressing PrtScrn
Facial Expression of the Person if you could only see it: Priceless
Cost: 10g(cost on white) + 1 Calory from pressing PrtScrn
Facial Expression of the Person if you could only see it: Priceless
Devastating Flames
Devastating Flames
yup next time i show someone a weap with any/a lol i am so gonan do that
Bob Slydell
Would be hilarious if you had a junk account, and a new way to dupe items arose, dupe the item and drop it (the dupe) for the scammer and then he gets banned for owning a dupe item. LOLZ.
Zahr Dalsk
recall? thats so old school. its all about ebon escape. any wammo can hide that in his bar.
i snagged a pair of destroyer gloves off someone who was trying to setup the scam on me. i asked him to show a sign of trust and drop his gloves, and he did. i bet he started trying to scam people only because he got scammed in the first place. poor guy. |
Bob Slydell
I'd actually like to do this. Where would I go about finding someone who would be trying to "scam" me? I'm guessing anyone advertising a trust drop in kamadan maybe LA? I'd love to do it just to build his adrenaline up as if he is ready to scam and then waste his time and make him really really pissed off. What's he gonna do? Hack me? Hahaha!
pumpkin pie
do not drop anything on the ground unless you meant to give it away. use the trade window, can see fine, mods and stats on that window, anyone wanting to see anything any other way is out to scam you

Deviant Angel
Someone tried this with me about 30 minutes ago when I was trying to sell something. Out of all the scammers I encountered today, he was the most amusing. Bad chinglish, asian name, sob story about being poor and needing images for his guild website... calling me "guy" every other sentence...
OMG! I'd love to drop a few of stacks of ecto on the ground for "only 3 seconds" so you can take a screenshot for your website... who wouldn't?!
OMG! I'd love to drop a few of stacks of ecto on the ground for "only 3 seconds" so you can take a screenshot for your website... who wouldn't?!

lol anyone who's gonna drop an item on the ground for any reason completely deserves to get the all living shit scammed out of them.
lol anyone who's gonna drop an item on the ground for any reason completely deserves to get the all living shit scammed out of them.
Anyone who's gonna drop an item worth a decent amount of money on the ground for any reason completely deserves to get the living shit scammed out of them. Or be banned for gold buying...because clearly they aren't smart enough to acquire money the real way.
Horace Slughorn
I agree with Fenix. It's a minor set-back for new players and might give them a bit of a sour taste for the game. But anyone who's been around long enough to accumulate something of value should know better.
Its good that the OP is reminding us and making us further aware of scams and this particular one. Perhaps there should be an awareness thread about scamming if there already is not one on guru.
The only thing I'm going to say is "common sense".
This never went away. You can find everyday at some point a guy in Kamadan or Temple of Balthazar paying 2k for someone to show him a rare weapon equiped "outside".
Lord Chris Bravo
Its good that the OP is reminding us and making us further aware of scams and this particular one. Perhaps there should be an awareness thread about scamming if there already is not one on guru.
We don't need all these threads about scams coming back, nobody cares.
If you're stupid enough to get scammed send me a pm so i can give it a shot and make some gold off you too
If you're stupid enough to get scammed send me a pm so i can give it a shot and make some gold off you too
Sir Tieger
had this happen to me a few weeks ago. i didn't bother saving the chat. but the only change was the guy wanted to take "pictures for his website" and then he wanted "to take a picture of it on the ground" so he asked me to drop it.
I lol at him and zoned to /reported him. then moved on.
still have his name on my list and haven't seem him on for the past two weeks.
I lol at him and zoned to /reported him. then moved on.
still have his name on my list and haven't seem him on for the past two weeks.
That skill was changed and now as soon you get out of the bubble you're teleported back.
king swift
This scam has been increasing in Kamadan over the last 3 months...Nothing new
Because there's nothing more to say,ALL scams have dodgy premises and are easy to spot.
Because there's nothing more to say,ALL scams have dodgy premises and are easy to spot.
This type of scam is easy to avoid..the problem is when you need and forced to trust in others, then the scam is harder to avoid...2 days ago a guy scammed me with z service (the guy is now banned thanks god),with triple drop option...he get the keys,log out and he put me in ignore list.
Btw the justice reach him!!
Btw the justice reach him!!
This type of scam is easy to avoid..the problem is when you need and forced to trust in others, then the scam is harder to avoid...2 days ago a guy scammed me with z service (the guy is now banned thanks god),with triple drop option...he get the keys,log out and he put me in ignore list.
Btw the justice reach him!! |
Aussie Boy
Fun when you drop a chitten frag or a crappy white weapon and poof there gone.
Keeps me laughing for a while especially when you get a PM later saying "I" scammed them and I will be reported.
Keeps me laughing for a while especially when you get a PM later saying "I" scammed them and I will be reported.

I always carry around a few Hunks of Fresh Meat or Taro leaves just in case anyone asks me to drop any item.
Give the GM's a laugh and send a support ticket over stolen meat.
Give the GM's a laugh and send a support ticket over stolen meat.
Deviant Angel
They don't always teleport, so you may walk away rolling your eyes instead of giggling.
The same guy from lastnight PMed me two more times today, so I armed myself with some worthless junk and went outside with him the second time. He didn't seem to want it.
The same guy from lastnight PMed me two more times today, so I armed myself with some worthless junk and went outside with him the second time. He didn't seem to want it.

Hopefully it wasn't a large amount of zkeys. Otherwise a temporary ban won't hurt him much. He'll still be richer then he would've been had he not scammed you. Which also means he may have the last laugh.
Btw you cant know if ppl are scammer or not in those type of services..If someone ask to drop somethin you can avoid it, if someone put less money in trade you can avoid it (for example xx ecto for 1k or 10k instead 100k),or if the put the wrong items..all easy things to avoid..but Z service?you are forced to trust in others, maybe this is the reason why this type of scam increase every day.
Stop The Storm
"hi can i take a picture of your minipet outside for my guildpage?"

To protect the innocent, I've black out his first name: 
Guess he has it down and just copy and paste. I've open a case w/ ANET. Hopefully, ANET gives him a 30day to 90day banned since he's doing this non-stop.

Guess he has it down and just copy and paste. I've open a case w/ ANET. Hopefully, ANET gives him a 30day to 90day banned since he's doing this non-stop.
Deviant Angel
Ahhhh Junjjn...
He's already been reported... twice. In game and through support with screenshots. He was online when I logged in today, but I got a canned response from support a little while ago and haven't seen him on since.
I doubt he cares about CNY.
He's already been reported... twice. In game and through support with screenshots. He was online when I logged in today, but I got a canned response from support a little while ago and haven't seen him on since.
I doubt he cares about CNY.

lol, emphasis on the thread title word "old". I remember this kind of jazz from DII days...
If ANET doesn't do anything about it, than I can see a WHOLE lot more scammers doing the same thing knowing there will be no action taken against them.